Greenwhich and More about Beer
After the Tower of London we hopped on a ferry to Greenwhich. Along the way we passed centuries old pubs including the one that Charles Dickens apparently wrote Great Expectations at. Ian McKellen also owns a pub on the river and lives near by. It was interesting the entire river is lined with high end condo's.
Greenwhich is pretty cool, the Cutty sailing ship is housed there (take a guess how much if you wanna walk aboard?) as well as the place where Greenwhich Mean time is set. Everyday this red ball goes to the top of this spike (kinda like the New Years ball in time square) and at 1pm precisely it drops... Apparently that's how time is set...
The town of Greenwhich is pretty with a big park and a market and a ton of pubs. We only spent an hour and half or so but could easily do a full day wandering the park and seeing the museum.
Trained back to the city where we had tickets to War Horse. It was a great show and even Jas enjoyed it ... Well the second half that got 'more intense and war like.'
Wandered to a German beer house and drank some cold delicious beers... Has given me hope for the rest of the trip :) In England they charge a tax for beers that are stronger than other beers. They had Delerium on tap, which is fairly easy to find in Vancouver. It's a 10% beer so it cost 8.50£ for a pint! That's 19$! We needed up drinking one Belgium beer and one Seattle beer. Best beers yet!
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