Made it on the overnight flight! Wasn't as bad as expected but still arrived exhausted. Navigated the trains ok and made it to our London home... Well the travel lodge. Rooms clean but a bit nervous as this was suppose to be a 'king size' bed... We have several twin size beds booked on the trip and I hate to see what Europe calls a twin when this King is a double at best.
The area we are staying in is in the financial district. We set out at 530 to explore and grab some food.... I have never seen so many people in my life!!! London bridge was packed as people made their way from the city!
Made it to a pub and between happy hour and World Cup it was standing room only! The energy was crazy and England wasn't even playing.
We had our first English beer, it was warm...and flat tasting, apparently this is just how it is unless it specifically says served chilled. We have been drinking Peroni and Stella and ciders for the most part.
Made our way to another pub along the river and had dinner and planned for our packed day tomorrow!
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