I laid awake until late last night, the sound of the wind and the crashing waves outside was so loud, I found it hard to distract myself from worrying about a tsunami happening. Chris told me to put some music on then I remembered the chill out albums Luke and Erin gave us the other day! I put one on and it worked a treat :-) It was quiet this morning though, the wind had finally dropped and we could see patches of sun light breaking through the clouds and it looked like it was going to be a nicer day. As I got dressed and ready for breakfast I realised I couldn't find my black sandals! Chris helped me look for them but they definitely weren't in the room. I remembered last having them two days ago on the beach but was sure I brought them back to our room. We asked a few members of staff if they had seen them but they all said no and told me to ask at reception and the activities hut on the beach. Neither were open yet so we went for breakfast first and I asked in the restaurant. Unfortunately no one had handed them in there. I know they were just a pair of sandals but they took me and Chris hours of feet aching shopping time to find! I'll be gutted if I don't find them!
We sat on our own again in the restaurant. We couldn't be bothered to talk to anyone new so we decided to try and avoid newbies today. It's not that we wanted to be unsociable, we just wanted to get our blog up to date and didn't want to get stuck chatting for hours. So we finished up and headed straight back to our room. I quickly asked about my sandals in the activities hut and reception but unfortunately no one had seen them. Our sun screen oil was also missing so we definitely know I left them on the beach. I'll be checking everybody's shoes now until we leave the resort tomorrow!
As the day went on the last patches of sunshine got swallowed up by grey clouds. The air in our room felt hot and muggy, we were actually missing the wind already! We tried to turn the fan on but it was still broken so I went back to reception to see if they had a spare one for us. The receptionist came and looked at it and started laughing. She saw we had the iPad plugged in to charge, picked up the fans plug and told us we need to plug it in! Like as if we hadn't tried that already! The lady plugged it in and pulled on the strings for a while until realising it was in fact broken. Then she said she would send an engineer and left. Within minutes an engineer arrived to look at the fan. He also pulled around with the strings then gave it a few knocks which of course got it working! Must have been a loose wire in there!
At lunch time the staff played their guitars again and sang songs. It seems that everyone knows how to play and sing and they look like they really enjoy performing together. Even the ladies at the buffet were joining in singing. I want to feel friendly towards everyone but I can't help thinking one of them has my sandals now!
After lunch we went back to the room and carried on blogging. A couple of staff came to our room and asked me about my sandals. I was pretty sure one of them said he would get them for me which must mean he knows who has them. Later on we went for tea and crackers and we brought our peanut butter with us. As we were looking out to sea we noticed a few men slamming a metal pole into the ground which made a bell sound. We walked over to them and realised they were slamming it down into a big metal pot. They were using the pole to crush up roots to make kava. We wonder if they are preparing it for after church tomorrow. We've been told the locals go crazy on it once they finish church in the morning! We've arranged to join the staff so I guess we will see for ourselves. Maybe I'll make an announcement for my missing sandals! Or maybe not.
We finished our tea then made another one and took them back to our room. We sat on the porch watching the staff play their daily match of volley ball on the beach, then I suddenly saw a guy painting his boat near to where we were sunbathing the other day. He was there when I lost my sandals so maybe he knew what happened to them! I walked passed the staff playing and over to the man. He remembered me and he did know about my sandals! He told me one of the activity guys picked them up when the tide was coming in and put them in the hut! Strange because they didn't tell me that! He called out to the guys playing volley ball and they all looked bloody guilty! I told one of them I don't care about some one taking them and I wouldn't be angry, I just really want them back. He told me not to worry then I went back to the hut again.
We both spoke to the resort manager Bill at dinner and he invited us to their kava party afterwards so we finished up and joined them in the hut around the back. Bill, the church minister and a couple of other village men were already sitting in a circle drinking kava. By the looks of them we guessed they had already drank a lot! One of the guys was swaying back and forward like a drunk! I had a couple of wines and Chris had some beer. We were passed the kava in half a coconut shell and just like all the other times we've had kava it tasted like dirty potato water and did nothing for us. The ministers and the staff had been drinking the kava since lunch time and it showed in their eyes. They taught us the proper way to drink it, we had to clap once before we drank and three times afterwards, we had to also clap three times when someone else drank. They said it was a sign of respect.
It was very quiet in the hut and the men looked like they were going to fall asleep. we were actually getting a bit bored so I asked Bill if they ever play music, thinking in my head of a radio or something and suddenly they brought out a guitar and started singing! I didn't mean for them to sing and play but it did liven things up a little. Bill asked Chris what church he attends back home and he told him he doesn't go to church because he's not religious. Bill replied at least you didn't say your an atheist. We both said nothing and wondered how he would feel about us atheists joining them at church tomorrow. Oh well we weren't going to tell him lol.
Chris went to the toilet later and when he came back he was giggerling, he said he saw some cats jumping up a wall catching moths and eating them! He said the moths were as big as his hands! I wanted to see for myself.
After twelve bowls I stopped drinking. It didn't affect me except for making me need to pee a hundred times and bloat my belly out! Chris stopped after fifteen tsunami bowls, which is a larger half a coconut! He also didn't feel anything. There was no point drinking anymore and we were both bored so we thanked them and told them we were going to bed, it was 10pm now anyway and we had to be up early for church!!
On our way back we spotted some moths on the wall. Chris grabbed a big stick and wacked them so they fell to the ground and the cat caught them and ate them! It was cruel but funny and the cat was skinny so it obviously needed the protein.
We're up for church tomorrow, Bill said it will be a really good service because there will be three villages attending so the choir will be impressive. We hope so, now we just have to figure out what to wear!
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