Woke up during the night, I dreamt a tsunami was coming because I could hear a loud roaring noise outside our room! Turned out to be heavy rain and strong wind! It went on all night and into the morning. We were sure we wouldn't be able to dive this morning but we still got up early to find out.
We went to the restaurant at 7:30am and met Pal our diving instructor. He assured us that we can still dive and the visibility will be fine even though it was still raining. So we trusted him, scoffed down plenty of breakfast, (oh they had cereal and nicer fruit this morning, perhaps because the large group was there) then got geared up. We didn't end up leaving straight away, Coral View resort had cancelled so there was a chance we wouldn't go either, then Pal decided we were going anyway.
We put our waterproofs on then climbed into Pals very small wooden boat. It was still raining and the sea was extremely choppy on our way out. The waves got bigger and bigger, I was holding on tight to Chris, stupidly I had decided to sit backwards which made things feel worse! Every jump landed with a hard slam against my arse, at times I was afraid I was going to go flying out of the boat!
It took us an hour to reach the dive site where another group were waiting for us on a bigger boat. They jumped into the water before us. I wasn't sure about the dive gear Pal gave us as my BCD had to be manually inflated because the button was broken. I tried to swap with Chris but it was way too small for him so I took it back. Chris's air was already on 170 bar when it should have been filled to at least 200 bar, he said he would be fine though and I knew he wouldn't take any stupid risks. I started to get sea sick from the rocking of the boat and just wanted to get in, one by one we flipped off the sides then began our decent straight down to twenty meters. Pal was right, the visibility was clear. We swam over some rocks then saw the other group holding onto a rope line. We joined them and watched as one of the instructors emptied a bin full of fish heads out only a few meters in front of us. Lots of different fish instantly swam in to get a piece. A large napoleon wrass was swimming above watching what was going on, then out of no where a couple of fat bellied bull sharks came swimming in, snatching up chunks of fish heads! We think they were about two and a half meters long. Then lots of small white, black and grey tip reef sharks joined in, we watched in awe. Suddenly we noticed a long tail apearing through the cloud of fish! At first I thought it was an eel but then realised it was another shark. Maybe a nurse shark, we weren't sure, it was about three meters long.
It got quieter after about twenty minutes, then the group started to swim back up. Pal turned to us and asked us to follow him over to where some of the fish heads still were. Chris grabbed one and held it up hoping a shark would snatch it from him. We came within a meter of the bull sharks but they were too shy to take the bait from Chris's hand. I was kind of pleased anyway, I didn't want him to lose a bloody arm! Suddenly Pal asked Chris to buddy breath with him! He was almost out of air! We were confused, we hadn't been down very long. We started to go back up, we could still see the sharks below us and wished we had a little longer down there.
When we reached the surface Pal explained to us that both his regulators had broke and he lost all of his air! I couldn't believe it, I would have freaked out. We got back on the boat and headed back to the resort, it wasn't as choppy and the sun was beginning to come through the grey clouds. When we got back Chris helped take the equipment back in the dive office. He picked up a BCD and suddenly the tube inflator hose tore completely off! Good job that didn't happen while we were under water! Peter asked us how the dive was and I told him he needs to get new gear because all of it has something broken! He didn't have much to say.
We went to our room and wrote up our log books then had a shower before going to lunch later. Like breakfast the lunch seemed to improve a little more, I think they are definitely trying to impress the large group of guests. After lunch we played around on the iPad, it wasn't a very nice day so there wasn't much else to do. Tea and cake at 4:30pm had become a ritual. This time I had just chocolate cake and Chris had banana and chocolate.
We decided not to ask about the Kava tonight as we were expecting it to be really lively, especially after all the hype Peter said about the big group, but again most of them went to bed straight after dinner. They spoiled us tonight with barracuda, it was the best meal we had so far although a new couple moaned that it was average. Me and Chris started on the rum and coke again and made a run for it after dinner to escape the cheesy dancing, so did Steve, Emma, Joseph and Ivan. We pulled up chairs and sat under the light behind our room. We all started drinking more and had the most random conversations! Mainly about s***ting and sex lol. I think Josef and Ivan were a little shocked!
A little later a skinny dog came over and joined us, I gave him the last of our water but he wasn't interested! We decided to stay where we were instead of going back in the restaurant. I tried to take some starry photos but it didn't really work, too much light (or rum). I had it all ready when suddenly the dog came and sat in front of the camera! I got my revenge later when I accidentally kicked him! I was running to jump in a photo and just didn't see him! Suddenly all the lights went out and we were in darkness. Chris asked me to get my candle and I teased him about it. He's been telling me to get rid of my candle from the Philippines since we were there in April! I always said we would end up needing it and tonight we did! My candle lasted well! It eventually died out at 4:30am so we called it a night, well morning! We said good night and all planned to go on a long hike after breakfast tomorrow, which was in only three hours! I don't have much faith for Emma and Steve making it as they never seem to rise before 11am! But we'll see.
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