It felt like we had been in Nadi for too long, we couldn't wait to be sitting on a white sandy beach on one of the beautiful islands! So we set our alarm for 6am so we could get showered first, being lazy we decided not to shower so we could have an extra half hour lay in. While I was finishing packing my bag, Chris went to the restaurant and asked the staff if they could make our breakfast a little earlier so we wouldn't miss our bus, but when we sat down they hadn't even started it! A few minutes later the bus was here and Chris had to take our bags over so they knew we were coming and didn't leave us. When he got back the lady made us egg sandwiches to go, we gulped down a glass of juice then hurried to the bus which was now around the corner.
We arrived at the harbour at 7:45 am. When we checked our bags in a guy asked Chris if there was anything breakable in them, Chris shook his head and handed them over, we didnt want them to know we were sneaking three bottles of rum over.
Once we were on the boat we found ourselves a seat and started watching the documentaries on the tv. Unlike the crappy doc the strange girl back in Oz put on, these ones were actually really interesting, they were about the Pacific Islands. They finished but we still had a few hours left before we would reach our resort on Nacula Island. We decided it would make more sense to start from the very north of the Yasawas Islands and island hop our way back down. So far the journey had been smooth but the weather wasn't great. It was very cloudy and it rained a couple of times. We started playing games on our iPad to help pass the time but then an annoying little boy sitting in the seat in front of us tried to join in by poking the screen! We tried to ignore him but then he tried to grab it! That's when Chris grabbed his arm and said no! The whole time his mum was asleep, when she woke up she gave him a lighter to play with! Luckily the kid was too young to know how to work it!
The whole journey took five hours and the weather didn't get any better. When we arrived at our drop off point we were called to board a small transfer boat operated by the resort. We climbed in and suddenly realised it was still raining, it wasn't heavy but we still got soaked as we were driven through it at a fast pace. Neither of us thought to wear our waterproofs today, we were expecting perfect sunshine! Oh well, we were staying in Fiji for a whole month so a bit of rain here and there won't matter to us.
Finally we arrived at our resort, Safe Landing. The staff greeted us on the beach shouting bulla (which means hello) and a friendly hug then walked us through the grounds and into the restaurant. It seemed to be the guys that got the biggest squeeze from the staff, one of them was a very tall man with a flower in his hair and had a very high pitched voice, his name was Danny. It was 1pm so we had arrived just in time for lunch! We sat down and were served straight away, it was very simple and basic food, edible enough but the portion was so tiny! I was already counting the hours until dinner.
We got talking to two guys named Mibs and Alex from England, they were really friendly and chatty and seemed like a lot of fun. We got so carried away chatting with them we didn't hear a thing said to us in our welcome meeting! Suddenly Peter the manager interrupted us and asked to speak to us. He handed us the keys to our room then explained he had put us in a basic private room with shared bathroom instead of a dorm. We were really pleased, we were getting more than we paid for.
The weather stayed crappy, raining on and off, there wasn't much to do so we went and sat in the restaurant with Mibs and Alax again and got chatting to a few other people. Everybody started to drink so me and Chris snuck off to our room to make up a bottle of rum and coke each, strong ones too! It wasn't long before the others knew what we were doing as we never went to the bar and there's no way we could have got drunk on the same bottle of coke.
The drinking session went on for the rest of the day and into the evening. Chris had a shower before dinner but I didn't bother, I was getting really drunk by then and having way to much fun to care. In fact I hardly remember having dinner and definately don't remember going to bed! Apparently we were served octopus and it was really nice! I do remember that we all joined in a sun dance and then a game like pass the parcel. When the music stopped someone had to do a dare, Mibs got picked on three times! I was next to him and nearly got caught, i'm so glad I didn't, i'd hate to see a drunk me grinding up and down a coconut tree pissed as I was, Mibs pulled it off very well lol!
Then we played another game where the staff shouted out a number and we would have to run into groups matching that number. Anyone not in a group matching the number were out. Me, Mibs and Alex selfishly sacrificed Chris early in the game, he came second after taking revenge and cutting all of us out one by one later in the game.
The last game was to down your drink as fast as possible, I downed a very strong rum and coke from the bar, from that point I don't remember anything. Chris came second again! He would have won but he couldn't get his beer open. Chris said we carried on drinking afterwards and the staff turned the power off just after 10 pm. There was one light left on so we stayed up chatting with a couple called Steve and Emma and Alex and Mibs. The couple went to sleep and we stayed up until midnight with Alex and Mibs until we finally went to bed.
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