Week 7- Thailand (Koh Tao) Day 1
So last night was a bit of a disaster I had sudden sickness from about 1am and was ill throughout the night then when we got up at 5am ready for our flight I found out Gem had also been sick. It was a great way to start Brad's holiday! So you can only imagine what our flight was like, we are still blaming Maffo for passing on his diseases! The taxi driver wouldn't take us all in one cab so we sent the boys off in a separate cab. Me and Gemma spent the whole journey stopping ourselves for being sick again. We were a very sorry bunch once we all got to the airport (apart from Brad who was feeling fine). I was sat in the middle of the airport going through our first aid box trying to find anything possible to make us feel better.
Once we had checked in and went through to the departures lounge we decided to get a drink and the boys got McDonalds (Maffo was feeling brave.. I'm not sure how long that last post burger). Nevertheless 4 large English teas definitely started to send us in the right direction. The plane was fine, nice and quick. The lads babbled most the way there, Gemma disowned them and I had a sleep! We then had to get a minibus to the pier and a bus to Koh Tao. This wasn't exactly what we needed while feeling ill! While waiting for the boat we decided to it was time we got some food inside us because we hadn't had dinner the night before either. Myself and Gemma opted for toast and a apple juice and this actually made me feel a lot better. Bradley got in the full swing of holiday mode and ordered a cocktail! The boat was really fast and we all slept the majority of the way there which was a massive success. By the time we arrived at Koh Tao I felt much better but unfortunately Gemma was still feeling poorly. We had a crazy Truck journey over the hills to the other side of the island which was really bumpy and it made you feel like you was going to fall out. Not to mention we were completely crammed in with all our bags and a fair few other people.
Montalay resort is lovely, it is right on the beach and has a pool overlooking the sea! It is really peaceful and the scenery is beautiful. We checked in and headed straight to our rooms. We decided to have a well needed afternoon nap in the hope that Gemma would feel better afterwards. Me and Brad had a walk down to the beach and dipped our feet in the sea, we were amazed by the amount of fish in such shallow water and so,e of them were pretty big! We are definitely going to do some snorkelling while we are here. We also had a dip in the pool and Gemma joined us. We spent the rest if the afternoon relaxing by the pool.
We decided to stay at the resort tonight because we needed an early night and didn't want to have to get a truck across the other side of the Island. I was certainly feeling better when it came to food though. Myself and Brad ordered a Thai feast.. We had prawn pad Thai, peanut curry, Thai green curry and prawn crackers, it was so yummy and we were in a food coma afterwards. Gemma had a pasta but didn't really enjoy it, we are not sure if it's because she still doesn't feel great. After dinner we walked down to the beach. It's a private beach for the report so it's really quiet and cute. There was a small beach bar with fairy lights selling cocktails so we had a drink and relaxed in the deck chairs. It was so chilled Brad even fell asleep for a bit while us girls chatted away about life! So after a quite eventful we were slowly getting back on form one by one. We are hoping Gemma will feel back to normal after a long sleep.
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