So we have been travelling up the East Coast for 2 days now-quite a lot of travelling involved a there are quite a few miles to cover in just 2 weeks! The group are really nice, all about the same age and mainly single travellers. The tour leader LJ is awesome, and so is Nifty the driver, and Bob the coach (yes really, the coach is called Bob).
I am curently sitting in Byron Bay-temperature is said to be about 31 degrees so we have come inside for an hour before we hit the beach again! Have just been given a voucher for a free meal at one of the bard along the main strip so no doubt we will go there later! We went out for a few drinks last night, we werent out long but it was really fun. A few of us starting dancing in this beach bar, and before you know it the DJ has put on a bit of Run DMC and we nmanaged to start a mini dancing competition ion the middle of the dancefloor, very random but very funny!
Our accomodation so far on this tour has been very nice, the first night we were in some nice eco cabins right next to the lake, and for last night and tonight we are in some nice villas near the beach!
Yesterday at the lake we went ot watch the sunset, but before that a few of us went out ontot he lakes on kayaks....i have to say it ios the first and last time i wikl ever do that...i was rubbish!! I got soaked and we ended up just going round in circles!
We watched a movie on Bob yesterday, as the journey was quite long. We stopped off at the BNig Banana (just a statue i think!) and a big prawn...apparently they have quite a few 'Big' things over here. We also stopped at Cape Byron, which is the furthest point East in Australia. We saw a couple of Whales come to the surface, but when we were in the sea this morning they were really splashing about and jumping out of the water not too far from the technically i swam with the Whales...i like to tell people that!
Tomorrow morning (not too early hopefully!) we are making our way up to the Gold Coast. I am really looking forward to Fraser Island though, as we are all going on an amazing day trip in a 4 wheel drive, which basically involves us driving down a motorway on the beach....its just made of sand basically but it has all the same rules as a motorway!
We went wine tasting in the Hunter Valley the other day-while we were there we saw a British sweet shop, which sells stuff we dont even have in England anymore but it had some cool stuff in there. We also bought a couple of bottles of Moscato wine...which if anyone finds in England somehwre you HAVE to buy it...its yum!!
Anyway, i will update again whe I can...i dont appear to be having a good day today, so far i have broken my flip flops and my St Christopher necklace! (Mum dont tell Sara i broke it!!) xxx
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