Well i know i only updated this yesterday, but i thought i would do a final little blog before we head out to Fraser Island-apparently there is no internet access or phone reception out there and we are out and about for a while now.
We have just arrived at the Gold Coast aka Surfers Paradise. Yet again its quite warm so once we've expolred a bit we will go down to the beach me thinks.
Last night in Byron Bay we had a bit of a storm, although they are nothing like our storms! They just have a little sprinkle of rain, some tidy sheet lightning and a little rumble...pathetic :-)
Last night we also went for a meal (free of course!) ata place called Cheeky Monkeys. At first i was a bit scared in there-they just walk around with microphones all night shouting out random stuff and getting people to play starnge games...but after a lemonade or too we were all dancing on the tables and watching some naked girl play musical chairs...only in Byron Bay i believe....
On our last night in Sydney the other day we requested for the DJ to play a Black Eyed peas track, so that is now 'our song' i decided to call my Sydney friend at 1am this morning when it got played in Cheeky Monkeys, completely forgetting that the poor girl had to be up at about 5am to catch a felt a bit bad about that!! They also played our song that we have for our tour group as well, that was quite cool.
Tomorrow we are heading up to Fraser Island via Brisbane-am really looking forward to our 4 wheel drive tour across Fraser Island, with the sand motorway!
One of the guys here did a skydive at Byron Bay yesterday, so we watched the video of it this morning on Bob-the video looked awesome so im really looking forward to doing mine in NZ, think i will gave to spend the extra to get the video...regardless of what i look like on the way down!
Not sure if i mentioned this in the last blog, but in Byron Bay we had dinner at a place called Rails, which is basically a converted train station, it still has all the platform and stuff so that was really weird. Tongiht we are eating in some Surf place, where all the proceeds go to help the lifeguards on the beach for all their equipment etc.
Anyway, that was slightly longer than i expected! Will update in a few days and put more pics up. Lots of love! xx
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