Welcome Y'all
22/06/2010 Leaving El Paso on another vast desert journey, The game of I spy was banned, R, road, C, Car, T truck, T P, telegraph pole, D ,desert, then Oonagh couldn't see MB, Magic bus and the game was over, (We know how to enjoy ourselves). We arrived in San Antonio to see the Alamo, "Remember the Alamo" they cry, Its now a rebuilt court yard and a small chapel in the middle of a money spinning commercial hub, Apart from the commemorative Statue outside there's not a lot to see. No Crocket, Travis or Bowie, What would John Wayne say. From there we carried on to Houston and the NASA space agency (Our 22nd wedding anniversary, told you we know how to enjoy ourselves), You'd be very rich if you had a penny for every time you heard those "we have a problem" words, It is a great place to visit, Mission control, Saturn 5, Moon rocks, shuttle, how they live in space, Then they said "if anyone has any questions see them later," Asked "Has anyone had sex in space", The look on there face's was a picture, An abrupt "No" came the answer and we were nearly kicked out.
This was the 8th and final day in a row of over 100 + degree's
26/06/2010 Driving through Sugar cane fields, Causeways over the swamps and waterways to New Orleans, Louisiana, Here has to be the Thumping heart beat of party America, Bourbon street in the French quarter with its narrow streets and balconies full people throwing necklace's to the crowds below, is absolutely hanging with back to back bars, Each with a band, playing various types of music at deafening maximum volume, Interspersed with ladies of the night plying there wears, buskers tap dancing, Brass bands playing funk jazz, with the vast majority dancing by mid afternoon, Its so full on, it's a real must for a weekend for everyone and anyone, You can't help joining in. We travelled down the Mississippi on a paddle boat, A step back in time to the slave days on the Laura sugar cane Plantation visit, took the city tour which has the aftermath of hurricane Katrina, empty houses still have spray X marks showing the house was checked in the bottom segment is the number of the amount of people who died in that property We had Shrimp supper at Bubba Gumps of Forrest fame, Oonagh asked them to hold on the oil, (BP, Completely over there heads)
Leaving New Orleans we noticed no traffic on the other side of the interstate, Police at every junction, Then 40 Police outriders on motor bikes, followed 2 minutes later by the cavalcade 20 more on bikes, 6 Blacked out cars and the President of the United States. (didn't even wave, Miserable b*****)
30/06/2010 Memphis Tennessee. Graceland which is decidedly small and the Elvis tour, the trophy room with all his gold disc's is unbelievable, a reasonably priced and good value trip, From Graceland a free trip to Sun records, Elvis, Cash, Perkins and Jerry lee Lewis started here. We finished our time in Memphis at Lorraine Motel where Dr Martin Luther King was shot and the civil rights museum (very thought provoking)
02/07/2010 Dallas, We arrived in the middle of a storm, the edge of Hurricane Alex, every where was flooded, the interstate was down to 5 MPH.
We visit the 6th floor museum from where JFK was shot from. Dallas for us was underwhelming, Oh we did go to Southfork and did the Ewing tour
Fort Worth 30 miles west of Dallas is where we spent the 4th of July , A great day, Baseball with hotdogs and how many times can you play the National anthem in a day( we now follow the Cats, They play in blue and won,) A Beatles tribute band and the best 45 min firework show ever, according to Oonagh
End of America part 1, West coast and Deep south 4,670miles, To be honest Fast food really gets to you after a while, There is no wonder America is so obese, The loudness of the Dimwits which seem to be everywhere "can I overstate the obvious". But there are some great sights and modern history. America has to be the most Patriotic and proudest flag flying nation on the planet, They honour there armed forces with pride and treat the firefighters as hero's,
God bless America, God bless you all, Anchors away the Chaffers
Check this out
Dale Skydive link:
Oonagh Skydive:
Oonagh Poi (girls Haka)
- comments
Laurie Warner Yay- I finally have been added to your blog. Miss you two crazy nuts! Ok, well Dale is definitely the crazy one and Oonagh does her best to just laugh. I'm back in NYC and ready to face the work world in a few more days. Can't wait to read more about your adventures. xoxox laurie