Hi everyone
I have been let write this on my own as Dale has a rash (yes he is soldiering on, bless him) Seriously He has a bad rash which he must see the doctor about (no he hasn't been with any mucky women!!!!) Someone said it might be shingles? Or chinky toe rot of the body? Or his wet suit has started its own eco system He has also been feeling flu like, and has a swollen elbow, due to an impact injury, So he is taking it easy (I said maybe its his system …cant cope with WORK !!! )
Our last fortnight in Roatan went so fast, All the time we have been here we have been so busy concentrating on diving that we forgot what a paradise island we are on. I must admit the food shopping is getting us down ,the supplies are limited and I think I am pushing it getting Dale to eat fish every night!!! Anyhow the three legged crawl went very well, We raised over $500 on the night, Which for here is excellent, Dale arranged everything which raised a lot of eyebrows as they couldn't believe how a teetotaller could arrange such a drunken night, Sand, potholes and alcohol do not make a good combination, The costumes were amazing considering everything has to be hand made from limited supplies. We even had all the kids involved (up & down the road, no bars involved though) Everyone had such a laugh, they are going to make it an annual event……..
We spent a day zip wiring, which was good fun, as the island is full of monkeys I spent the time looking in the trees to find one, I've always wanted one for a pet!!!!
We have also been doing a lot of sunbathing as we have not had the time and don't want to go home with white ankles (the weathers been good in England we hear?) Our beach does paddle boarding so we decided to give that a go!!! Dale is a born entertainer (with or without his rash, he had the beach in stitches….such a graceful way to mount a board….all legs…I wish I had the video…Tommy our boat skipper, sped past and tried to knock him off with a bow wave, but wobbly stood fast. Our last day we hired a car and went across the island 30miles long so it didn't take long, A beautiful, beautiful place, untouched and not ruined yet by tourists, So basic it takes time getting used to (toilet roll in bin not toilet) Electricity just going off on a whim for hours (which means no water and worst of all no fans) Internet coming and going (god forbid you want to download) The weather is getting hotter and humid now and the breeze almost gone, Humidity is here to stay now….32 degrees + everyday……
Would we come back???? I have never worked so hard, Been so tired, broken every nail including toenails (dropped a 2 lb weight on my foot) EVEN my hair went ginger for awhile, But we absolutely enjoyed every goddamn minute of it……
Adios the Chaffer's. (Padi dive masters) xxx
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