01/05/11 we arrived back in good old Blighty, First thing we noticed was where have all the English people gone, Were we really in the UK, Secondly there was no humidity, it was wonderful , and then reality struck how bloody cold it was, A real British spring day, 18 degrees and everyone ranting on about the weather, “ We could do with some rain, the gardens need it“. Apparently it hadn’t rained for weeks??? A positive was we slept so well after the hot (weather!!!) nights of Roatan.
Our niece Teri for whom we were summoned home, Eventually had the Royal birth a week later than expected, extending our stay, It was all worth while as we have a wonderful new addition to the family of Baby Ellie Jayne 8lb 3oz. And a real cutie.
We saw loads of our old friends and did loads of catching up, As Oonagh said “a good old gossip” Another family event was our nephew Tomas’s first holy communion, God (please excuse the pun) can these services get dragged out when the priest has a packed audience, But a great family get together afterwards.
Now we have had some time and our Nomadic lifestyle is calling, We now have a cunning plan for the summer ?? The Campervan (RV) has been dusted off and prepared, And we are ready to head East across Europe before heading down to Croatia to Dive, and Cheeky Monkey is coming to.
GoldenGappers European tour part 2 coming soon
Laters the Chaffers
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