We left Sydney for a 3 day trip with the Oz experience to Melbourne. Had to get up so early to leave and it was raining so much wasn't looking forward to it. Today we visited to capital of Australia, Camberra. We went to the Parliament buildings and watch parliament. That was funny they were just like school children having an arguement and one of the members got chucked out for discussing things that weren't relivant but was funny!
After that we headed towards the snowy mountains. We stayed in a hostel near the mountains tonight was freezing but really nice place looked over all the hills. Didn't do much else that night was tired from the early morning we just had dinner then watched telly. Was to cold to do anything else.
The next morning had to get up early as well. We headed to the snowy mountains we got sledges on the way. When we got there we sledged for about an hour, that was loads of fun, reminded me of home that was the last thing i did before leaving home. Wasn't to cold because it was sunny so was a great start. Then we went to a little town in the middle of no where, which they glass as the ghost town, because theres only about 4 people who live there but they are all spread out! Then we went to a weirder town, which they said some crazy guy lives in. He has a weird little gas station in the middle of no where. He had loads of weird stuff around the edge it was just a random lay by! After that we went to the village we were staying in. We walked along the beach then had dinner and checked into our hostel. That night we went to the beach had a mini bonfire on the beach, that was nice was so cold on the beach. We played drinking games on the beach. Stayed there for quite a while until the fire went out then headed back to our hostel! We got lost on the way back our bus driver gave us rubbish directions. So i asked somewhere how to get back and he gave us all a lift back to our hostel, which was good. Might of been wondering around all night looking for somewhere!
The next day we went to Foster, were the foster drink is named from! Its only a tiny little village. After that we headed to one of the National Parks, which was really nice, so pretty. Was a really hot day, we went on a mini hike which was so hot. When we got to the top i saw a whale was so excited. Only saw it once didn't come back up after that but was good to see one! We saw one of the most posioness spiders in Australia think it was the red back. It's only tiny but was cool to see one. After that we just headed down to Melbourne, when we got there we just stayed in the hostel with the bus as we didn't want to go on a hunt for another hostel. We stayed in the Base hostel, was alright but we don't like base hostels. We just had a lazy night was tired from our travelling!
Our first day in Melbourne we went into the city centre had a walk around there! After that went on the free tram around the city centre, which is meant to do a full loop but seemed to just go over 2 roads. We ended up on that for about 2 hours waiting for it to go all the way around. It didn't end up going all the way around so we just got of and headed back to the hostel. That night we went into the bar but was full of idiots. We stayed down there for a few hours but got bored so went to bed. In the middle of the night one of the guys in our room flipped his bunk over was so stupid. He just left it on the floor and slept on the floor. Then his friend came back a few hours later and put it up right, in the morning there was a massive hole in the wall were it had fallen over. The guys are such idiots, can't wait to leave the hostel and go in our camper van!
Couple of days later we picked up our camper van. That was soo good. Was quite a nice size plenty of room when the beds weren't set up. We left Melbourne to head towards to Great Ocean Road, took us quite a while to actaully get on the right road, the map was pretty crap, but eventually got on the road and was fine! The great ocean road was so nice. It was a really hot day aswell really sunny so everywhere looked so nice. we stopped of at loads of nice points on the way down, saw all the famous parts like london bridge and the 12 apposals. Was really nice. Once we had got down as far as we wanted to go we looked around for somewhere to sleep. We decided to just pull up somewhere so we found a little town and stayed there. was a nice area really small nothing there, but had a little area for us to pull up. We didn't have any light in the camper van and there wasn't anything to do past 7 so we played cards for a little while then ended up going to bed. We slept so much. Glad we didn't have a camper all the time think it would be quite boring and really expensive with petrol and campsites, but was nice for the night!
The next morning got up pretty early and started heading back to melbourne. Seemed to take quite a while to get back even tho we didn't stop much on the way. Weather wasn't as nice today so was glad we stopped at all the spots yesterday. When we got back into melbourne we dropped our bags of at our new hostel, which looks much better and is only 5 mins from town. Took us ages to find our way around the centre in our camper the inner city map was rubbish had to quess most of it. Eventually got back to the rental place and dropped it of. We came back to our new hostel. We had an introduction to melbourne which we got free drinks so was worth going. Didn't give us much more info, but got to meet a few people. After we didn't really do much was tired from driving all day so we just had a lazy night and watched telly.
Today we just went into town, went on the free shuttle bus. That takes you all around the town. Was good took about an hour and half. But got to see everything. Realised there is a lot more to Melbourne. We also went into the Cathedral in the town centre and wondered around federation square. That night we didn't do much else. We watched telly. We didn't go out at all in melbourne aprt from one night when we went to the crown casino. That was massive much bigger than any i've ever been in. Altho i have only been to Nottingham Casinos. Altho i'm sure the ones in Las Vegas will be much bigger aswell. We also went to Albert park in Melbourne, which is were the formular one was held. We saw the pitts and the start of the track. The markings were estill there faintly. That was good to see. For our last night we slept in the airport, coz our flight was at 8.30am so would of had to leave at 5.30 to get to the airport so we just thought we'd sleep in the sirport. Wasn't as bad as we thought. The floor was petty hard and cold but we had our sleeping bags so was alright. got quite a few hours sleep. We got to check in about 6ish. The flight was alright went pretty fast and was only delayed slightly.
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