Once we arrived in the North island we waited for Lucy's friend Tessa. Once she arrived we went to her mums house. We are staying there for a few night as she's away. Once she comes back we are going to her dads. When we got there we sorted our stuff, then had fish and chips for dinner, was so nice. Proper food after so long. On our first full day in Wellington we went all around the city drove up to the view points and went around all the beaches. was a really nice day, Wellington is meant to be really windy, Tessa was shocked at how nice it was. Managed to keep the nice weather even in Wellington. We also went to the seal colony and walked along the sea front. Was really good had a busy day, did everything in one day. The next day we went to Te Papa the well known Wellington museum everyone we've met recommended it. Was good massive, supposedly meant to take 3 days to complete everything properly, because it has loads of interactive stuff. Spent quite a while in there, then met Tessa for lunch. Tessa went back to uni so we went back to the museum then walked around town. Came back to Tessa's had dinner, then went out into town. Met some of Tessa's mates, we watched the rugby match then went around some of the bars was really good.
While we were in Wellington we went to the sanctuary, which is a fenced of area where they have got rid of everything that isn't mative and the fence around ti stops any animal getting in, so they don't get anything in there to kill their native animals and trees. That was good although we got to expereince how windy wellington gets. A fewof the otehr days in Wellington were pretty nice. We got to go to the beach and walk along the harbour. Went to the botanical gardens which are the best we've seen since being away they actually had plants in even though its winter. We also went to a Moari house. It has recently been built but it was really good. Not like they used to be its a modern one. That was really good, interesting. While in Wellington we went to a place called Strawberry fair, that was really good we had a massive desert. I has banofee pie was massive but really really nice. I couldn't finish it all though. Tessamanaged to finish most of mine of plus most of her own. Was pretty filling and sickly.
After Wellington we headedup to Lake taupo. That was really nice the lake is massive. You can fit Singapore inside it and still have room to spare. So its pretty big! While we were in Taupo we had pretty good weather so we did a lot of walking. We walked as far around the lake as we could and back. That was nice so many huge houses around there tho full of rich people. We also went walking to a dam and the huka falls that took about 6 hrs return was a good walk. We didn't do anything else apart from walking in Taupo but it was good.
After Taupo we went to Rotarua. It smells pretty bad there, all the earth gases come threw the ground theres lots of bubbling mud pools. It's really good but smells so much. In rotarua we had a nice little hostel. We walked around a bit, its not a big place so didn't take long to walk around. Rained most of the time we were in Rotarua. We went to the Polynesian Spa. That was really nice n the hot springs. We spent about 3hrs just sat there. Some of them were so hot couldn't stay in them for long but others were great. Rained quite a bit while we were in them. That was good kept it at the right temperature. We didn't do much else here. We went to the pub with everyone from our hostel which was good, nice group of people.
After rotarua we went to Aukland, we were only there for one night this time as we are coming back to it, so we didn't do much.
The next day we got the bus up to Whangarei, instead of going on the kiwi bus we have changed to the stray. We were the only ones on the bus so had a pretty quick journey up there as we didn't really stop of. When we got there my mum's cousin picked us up. We stayed with him for 3 nights. That was good although the weather wasn't the best we've had. We went for a drive around saw all the coast. We managed to get a bit of good weather so got to go out on the boat. Was really good nice and calm. We managed to catch a few fish. Lucy caught a good sized one which we brought home and had for dinner with chips. Was really nice. We also went to the pub 2 nights one night we had a good sunday roast. The other night we just went for a drink. we played darts and pool. I nearly won at darts was so funny. Had a good night there.
After Whangarei we went up to the bay of islands for 4 nights including a day trip to cape Reianga.
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