Day 11 since we left the good ole USA. James here - today is our 2nd full day at sea. Every one has been encouraged not to leave the ship today since the closest land is a long ways away. I got an extra special treat today I was one of only 12 people who got to take a mega tour of the ship. We went through what they called the galley but it looked like a big kitchen to me. :) they serve between 13-15 tons of food per day on this ship. (So the ship never gets lighter, the weight is just distributed differently) the propellers are 20 feet across and rotate at 130rpm. We saw the photo lab and the printing press where they print all of the on board publications. We also got to see the mooring room where the shore ropes and anchor is located. The anchor weighs 15 tons each link on the chain is about 16 - 24 inches and probably weights 150 pounds per link. They have 1,500 feet of chain. I also got to go to the bridge and meet with the captain and bridge crew. The ship is very computerized and every thing is monitored very closely. And from the bridge, what a view! Definitely the best seat in the house! We did laundry today and since it is formal night we will be dressing up for tonight. - lobster tonight. Oh yea! Will talk later! Love ya!
Cindy here- we've been at sea all day today so I just took it easy (other than doing laundry). I had breakfast with Rob & carol, our Australian friends since James was on his ship tour! After that carol & I went to a sale they were having on the ship! No great bargains so I didn't get anything! Then I caught up on my blogging & still had time left so I took my camera & went out to take pics of different places on the ship! When I got back to the room James & I sorted laundry & spent most of the afternoon getting the laundry done! We got dressed up for dinner ( it was another formal night) & came down & met our friends for dinner! Had a lot of fun with the photographer at dinner! James told him Rob & he were a pair & carol & I pretended to be their sisters! We laughed & laughed as the photographer finally figured it out & started playing along too! We went to a couple of shows on the boat before retiring for the evening! We have a big day tomorrow as we head out in a smaller boat as we tour the amalfi coast on our way to pompei!
- comments
Kendall Where did James get that hat?
Cherie Bliss I'm so glad you guys are having the time of your life. I'm taking notes. I'm thinKing this is the root we want to go on instead of the Scandinavian cruise. I can't wait to hear about Pompei. It's on my bucket list. Saw annie and oliver yesterday.
Dee Oh dear....sounds like James is up to his old tricks!! Enjoy! Can't wait to see and hear all all ALL about it.