Perdon por desaparecer pero todo asido una locura!!
Bueno para seguir, Vang Vieng lo pasamos muy bien. Hicimos Tubing, k es como rafting en un flatador. Entramos a las cuevas en el flotador, solo se pueden hacer nadando aunque en el medio te tienes k parar por k no es bastante ondo pero la corriente es bastatante furte!
Nos matabamos de la risa porque teniamos linternas en la cabeza y nos veiamos super ridiculos!! Despues hicimos rafting por el rio como por 3 horas, lo pasamos super bien pero nos toco un poico de lluvia y asi un poco de frio.
El proximo dia hicimos el recorrido de muerte hasta Loung Prabang. Una 'carretera' muy curvosa por la montana. Lo pasamos bien en todo caso porque hibamos puros extranjeros asi k mas relajados en el sentido del equipaje y pasaporte ect...
Nos tardamos 6 horas, alguna gente vomito en el camino y todas nuestras cosas terminaron al otro lado del bus con el movimiento, al final todos intercambiando las chanclas!!
Pero bueno Loung Prabang es una maravilla. Tiene un mercado artesanal de muchos colores y olores, ojala pudiera comprar cosas asi para decorar mi futuro piso pero no tengo sitio y estoy con un presupuesto muy apretado.
Tomamos el barquito por el Mekong al atardecer, Laos esta muy orgulloso de su rio porque es el unico pais en asia sin mar asi k para ellos es mas k un rio es una manera de sobre vivir. Del rio se banan, lavan su ropa,la losa y para muchos es su unico aceso al agua. Es increible cuando piensas k en realidad el Mekong es el basurero de la China, pero bueno asi es.
Tambien visitamos las caidas de Kouang Si, escale un poco pero nada muy dificil, no es tan alto y nadamos el las piscinas azules!! El agua muy muy fria! Conocimos a 4 chicas irlandesas y estuvimos con ellas, 2 habian estado en Sur America y les encanto, especialmente Bolivia pero encontraron Chile demasiado desarollado!
De Loung Prabang nos dimos la paliza hasta Vietnam, 36 horas en bus, pero les cuento de eso la proxima vez!
El tiempo se esta volando y me encontre en una situacion donde tuve k empezar a pensar en los sitios donde no me importaria perderme, bueno la verdad esque todos los sitios me importan pero al final decidi perderme Hanoi y el norte de Vietnam en favor por el sur y el medio por Hoi An.
Ahora estoy en Saigon al sur pero bueno hablare mas de Vietnam en un rato mas!
chaooooooo carol xxx
Alright guys!!
Sorry ive been so crap but its been a manic week!
I think I was going to tell you about tubing. Well it was soo much fun, its basically an inflatable tyre that you go down the river in. We went caving first though. You go in on the tube as in bits its too deep to walk but other bits you walk as its too shallow, the current is really strong though Julie almost lost her tube when she let go of it buit one of the hotties in our group came to the rescue & grabbed it for her!
It was such a laugh though, we all kept looking at each oethr & pissing ourselves becaue we had torches on our heads like proper little explorers, I swear I looked sooooo stupid!
The tubing down the river was brilliant especially the rapids, although I did hit my bum on a few rocks which kinda hurt. I was a bit crap at controlling my tube though & kept getting left behind so along with 2 american girls I held on to a string from myb guides kayak, so he essentially carried me & the US birds. We werent so lucky with the weather & it rained so after it got soooo cold, it wasnt really but because we were wet, in the end the guide had to take almost all of us cos we were soo cold, even the fittie. Deffo one of the highlights of Laos though!!
The next day we made our way further north to Louang Prabang. The journey is 6 hours of mountain 'roads' sorrounded by cliffs at sometimes either side!! The curves were so sharp at point sand the bus was making some very questionable sqeaking noises. the bus was full of backpackers so there were a lot of 'you dont want you rbrakes to go now' kinda jokes from boys mainly of course!!
A few people got sick & Ive become so careless that I ate what Julie has now named the 'death sandwich' from a fly/dog filled stall on the road where the chicken looked as it had been out for a long time, the girl that put it together didnt have the cleanest hands either but I was starving!! Anyway amazingly I was fine, it must be all those times I ate from the Deli counter at Tescos im immune!! Good thing too as you dont want to get ill on a bus journey!!
After looking for my flip flops on all fours & exchanging the bags/shoes that had moved all over the place with people all around the bus we made our way into town. Loung Prabang is sooo nice!
Its like a hippie town. The market is full of hand made crafts & is filled with the kinda stuff I would eventually love to decorate my own place with, unfortunately I dont have the room to carry things, nevermind my tight budget!
We took the standard sunset boat ride on the Mekong whioch Laos people are so proud of, for them its a lifeline as Laos is the only landlocked country in Asia, for the poor its where they bathe, wash their dishes & clothes & for some its their main source of water. We know that in reality its a waste bucket for China & you can tell, its so polluted.
The next day we met 4 lovely Irish girls & went to the Kouang Si waterfalls. Climbed to the top (not very challenging) & did some swimming in the lovely blue pools! The water was freezing though! There were ropes attached to trees so you could jump in, of course the guys were swinging around like Tarzan & jumping straigt in, I took the girly route of pissing & moaning my way in, torturing my feet on the way as I didnt want to swim because it was sooo cold. After about 20 mins I gave up & swam!
Time is flying by so Ive had to decid not so much of what I want to do but what I dont mind missing out! After a lot of huffing & puffing we decided to miss out Hanoi & the north of Vietnam in favour of the middle Hoi An & the south Ho Chi Minh (Saigon to you & me)
It took us 36 hrs by coach to Hoi An but I'll tell you about that nightmare in a bit!
Anyway till then folks, miss you all
Caz xxx
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