Hola a todos!!
Bueno solo estuvimos 2 dias en Phnom Penh, llegamos en un barco desde Vietnam y hicimos con un tour. fue fantastico no tener k preocuparse de buses y de mi mochila y el resto, fue todo muy relajado y conocimos el sur de Vietnam una region k se llama Mekong Delta!
Como la idiota k soy en el barco me suvi arriba (al techo) a tomar el sol por 5 horas, bueno casi me dio insolacion y me super queme pero bueno ya estoy morena!!
En Phnom Penh nos encontramos con 2 chicos ingleses k conocimos en Vietnam y salimos esa noche a cenar y tomar.
Cambodia es un pais muy pobre y mientras cenabamos se acercaban muchos ninos a vedernos postales y liros. Ninos asi de 5 -15anos y con unas personalidades increibles!! Tambien hablan ingles casi perfecto, hablan un poco de frances.
La primera noche no hablamos muchos con ellos, pero la segunda ya eramos amigos y nos contaban de sus vidas. Tienen muy claro k les gustaria irse de cambodia a trabajar a otro pais, como australia para ganar mas dinero, saben k en cambodia tienen pocas posibilidades de progresar. Pero si conocer ninos asi siempre me impresiona (como en Guatemala) y me sorprende lo rapido k sientes k los conoces y hasta tienes sentimientos hace a ellos! Como cuando me fuy de guatemala, llore el ultimo dia cuando me despide de los ninos y yo no soy muy asi pero me imagino k aqui me pasaria lo mismo si estuviera un buen tiempo.
Bueno la primera nche despues de bastante bever nos fuimos a una discoteca a bailar on los chicos y lo pasamos super bien. Llegamos a las 4.30 o por hay de la manana y todo mu bien!
El segundo dia, con resaca y oco animo nos fuimos a las Killing Fields, un sitio donde hay muchos cuerpos enterrados de la epoca de la Kmher Rouge. Desafortunadamente nos toco un guia malisimo asi k mas la resaca y el sol no lo aprecie mucho!
El el proximo (k fye mi cumpleanos! valla sitio para pasar mis 25!!) cogiuos un bus a las 7 de la manana a Siem Riep, el sitio de los templos de Angkor.
Phonm Penh fue muy corto, pero la verdad esque las capitales no me hestan gustando mucho, demasiado trafico, calor y mucha polucion!!
Bueno ya contare mas!!
Carol xxxxx
Hi guys!!
Right so in Cambodia at the mo!
The entry here was fab, we got a tour from Saigon that cost us 12 squid, it included buses, boats, a trip to the southern region of Vietnam the mekong delta, food, hotel for the night, I mean talk about bargain! All the border crossings so far have been horrendous so it was soo nice not to be stared or molested or be worried about my bags/money/passport ect...
On the boat over to cambodia (which is such a ab way to travel!!) I got on the roof and sunbathed my arse off! It was lovely, stuck my ipod in, listened to my tunes & checked out the amazing scenery!! Everytime we passed by a village all the kids would run out & wave at us, soo lovely, you cant help but smile everytime, no matter how tired or hungry you are you see their little faces and its all worthwhile!! On the downside I nearly got sunstroke and for about 2 days putting my backpack on killed cos my shoulders were so sore, all is not lost however as Ive finally got a tan!!
As soon as we got into Pnom Penh we bumped into 2 english gus that we had met in Saigon and arranged to meet later for some bevvies. Had a shower & headed to the river side. We had been advised not to walk as it as dark so we got a tuk tuk down there. Had dinner, drinks, game of pool (which I did unbelievably well in!), more drinks, ended up in a club & danced the night away!! The pics are very funny, Julie's got them so I'll streal them soon as i dont trust myself with my camera when drunk.
When we go out of the club a tuk tuk driver was trying to rip us off to take us back so I somehow got in the seat to drive t myself?! Ive done that in england before on those annoying cycle things that carry people in the west end so im a pro! Anyway had a right laugh!
Nest day wasted whole morning pissing & moaning in bed about my hangover. Finally fell out of my pit, went to the killing fields were thousands of cambodians got slaughtered in the 70's by the Khmer Rouge, unfortunately s*** guide, sunburn, boiling hot sun & hangover are a s*** combination sdo didnt really enjoy it or appreciate it as much as I should have.
Headed back to the riverside for dinner as we had done the previous night. Cambodia is a seriously poor country and thers kids ranging from like 5-15 selling books & postcards. I swear these kids are amazing, they speak such good english & french, are so savvy & witty, they outsmart anyone!! We had been kinda talking to them the night before so by the second night we were pals! They are fully aware that they're poor and know (thankfullY) that education is really their way out of that! Its amazing how easily you become emotionally attached to these kids, like when I was Guatemala I cried soo much on my last day & im not really into kids at all, well not western children anyway!
Had a quiet one that night though & headed back o the hotel as we had a 7am bus to catch the next day (also my bday!!) to Siem Riep, home of the mighty temples of Angkor (christ i have just seen the biggest my hotel!!) Those who have seen Tomb Raider will have seen the temples in the film, I plan to look just like Angelina but better of course when I get there!!
Anyway thats pretty much it from Phnom Penh, until Siem!!
Miss you all
Caz xxxx
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