After a good nights sleep at the airport! We flew to Perth and checked into our dorm.It was cold and very very wet.We had an early night ready to see Perth the next day.It was still cold and wet but we ventured out anyway.Our main aim for the day was to book a camper van for the next month to head north where the sun is. We succeeded and booked a nice high top with cooking facilities.We were to pick it up the next day so we thought we would relax for the evening and have a few drinks.We ended up in a great bar called the Mustang.There was a live band playing a kind of swing/rock n roll music with lots of people who were obviously regulars were dancing brilliantly swapping partners every other song.Later on another band came on and played some more up to date music and we had a great dance.Dan and I were busy working out what coins were what for the next round when some Ozzy guys came up and insisted on buying us drinks thinking we were counting our money, apparently they could tell we were backpackers!!We spent the night dancing and drinking with them and managed to buy them a round too. It was a very good night and we left for hostel to make spaghetti on toast and a bit of a mess! The next day we picked up our camper van and drove south to Freemantle while we waited for Emily to return from her brothers wedding in England.We walked around the lovely town and through the markets.It was lovely and we will go back there before we drop the camper off.We drove to the beach in Freemantle and found a surf club with public toilets and cold shower cubicles.We though a nice long jog along the beach would make the shower more bearable but I still got brain freeze whilst washing my hair.It was cold and rainy again and the wind was strong rocking our camper van on our very first night sleeping in it.
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