t seems people have been too busy over Xmas to send you messages so I thought I would fill in the gap. Weather here is v. cold, grey and miserable. I have been out to the re-cycling bin only - it's too miserable to go any further. Watched the Vienna Phil. with their annual New Year Concert (on T.V.) then 'Pollyanna' this afternoon - WOW, the excitement. Roll on tomorrow when we get back to normal.
Love Grandma
Clare And Pete
Dear C&P
We have neglected your blog over Christmas- but now I am back so lots of messages to come.
We are plodding along ok here- looking forward to 2009. Spoke to Giles tonight and he is also looking forward to our skiing trip.Lots of snow in rance- not like your weather in Oz.
Waiting for your next LONG blog
Take Care and enjoy yourselves
Love Mum and Dad and Dreadful
Lynn Dibb
You look to be having a great time. Just to wish you both a happy Christmas and a great New Year.
Lynn and Mike
Grandma C
Hi C and P
Have just enjoyed the latest photos Enjoyed your 'placement' ones. Was the red patterned dress the one you had made? The surfing ones looked a vast improvement on Polly Joke - I'm really envious - love - grandma C
Sue & Paul
hi Cat & Phil
whoa you're really getting around now aren't you! I've got a fortnight off at Christmas (break up on Tuesday can't wait!) so I'm going to have a good look at all your photographs again!
I'll be emailing again soon.
lots of love AC & PP xxxx
Hey you two!
Sorry I've been neglecting your blogs a bit recently - been properly busy. Just had a massive catch up - and you two have been busy!! Frazer Island and Whitsundays sound amazing - bet you were loving being on a boat Cat! Missing you lots here in Sheffield. Busy at the mo - just had a performance of the Lion Witch + the Wardrobe at guides - went much better than I expected and the parents seemed to love it. Getting prepared for Christmas and my ski holiday - so excited! + can't wait to have a bit of time off work! Glad you've got something definate planned for Christmas. Looking forward to your next blog, lots of love, Gem xxx
Clare And Pete
Dear C&P
just recieved your email- don't think I realised you were going to Taiwan- silly me. Do you fly out here straight after New Year? Where are you going to be at New Year?
Weather a little better here- snow has now melted.
Bev and John have been up but have gone home now so we ae going up to Chapel le Dale tp do a bit more decorating.
Take Care
Love Mum
jude, as if i would show you guys 'the best' photos! it is a shame thou,
but up-loading photo's is proving a pain, we have about 30,000 of Oz ready to go. but we need a comp with a certain version of java on it, to upload, but will try investing another 5$ at the next cafe!,
that's a shame about fiji. i alsways thought it's beautiful.
love the pics from the safari.
started a new job at the beginning of december. working as a teaching assistant in a primary now. my agency will hopefully find me something in a secondary school from jan. if not i stay where i am. really enjoy it - wonder from time to time why i was always so against teaching...
had a few changes in the house this week which resulted in ian stopping to talk to me. its a long story but basically he is an idiot.
when do you come back again cat? was thinking if you are still planning to move to london, maybe we could find something together, if you want to. im just really getting fed up with the boys as they seem to believe that kerry and i are their personal cleaners. and for this reason kerry isnt to keen on living in the house anymore.
anyway thats my main news.
enjoy the next parts of your trip and keep in touch.
take care,
uta xxx
Brew, I am impressed by your safari photography technique. I am going to smear vaseline on my camera lens and take lots of soft focus pictures of St. Lucia. Bet you can't wait to see the results!
Grandma C
Hello u 2
No snow and frost today - just cold rain instead. You really shattered my illusions about Fiji - I only once met a Fijian student, and hehad ginger hair which was a surprise!, but I didn't expect it to be all rain and iffy food. I read an interesting article in Guardian Travel this week about a trekking co. in Nepal run by three Nepalese sisters for women, and using ethical methods. Sounded good. Enjoy Oz now you are back with modern comforts.
Grandma C
Sue & Paul
Hi Cat & Phil
Just printed off your Figi blog to read on the bus - which I'm looking forward to! Please send us some sunshine!