Had Buffett breakfast at hotel as didn't want to waste time looking for somewhere as wanted to get on road.
Drove to Baena first of all which is renowned for it's olive oil. Visited Nunez de Prado which has been a family owned working mill since 1795. They make first class oil and have won loads of prizes. They have been organic since the 80's. We were able to wander round and watched a brief DVD and got to see them bottling/packing the oil. Bought a bottle of the good stuff to bring home.
Then drove on to Zuheros with the intention of visiting the organic cheese factory but it was shut. The village itself though was gorgeous, surrounded by craggy hills and a castle perched on the top of a cliff.
Decided to visit Cueva de los Murcielagos which is about 4km above the village of Zuheros. The windy road up took us through some fabulous scenery and there were a couple of miradors (lookouts) to stop at along the way.
Turns out you were supposed to reserve a tour of the caves but fortunately for us a couple of Spanish tourists had done so, so after chastising us somewhat the guide let us come on the guided tour (which was in Spanish) of the cave but he gave us an English leaflet that explained the different parts of the cave (although the Spanish verbal version he gave the girls was far more comprehensive).
Cave was somewhat similar to Waitomo (so Chris tells me as I haven't been) except this one is heaps older. Dates back 35,000 years to 6000-3000 BC and was inhabited by Neanderthals as proven by paintings and remains found there. Was really spectacular (couldn't take photos) but a little hard going as there are 700 steps throughout the cave. Phew talk about puffed!
Drove back to Cordoba and faced the challenge of finding our way to the hotel again through all the one-way streets and the ones that are blocked off. Chris even managed to figure out how to get through a street with a barrier pole that pops up and down from the ground!
After having to do yet more handwashing in hotel bathroom sink ventured out for a well deserved dinner and wine. Man I'm full! Night night :)
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