Caroline's World Tour
Well, our plan to meet some locals didn't really succeed last night....all we managed to meet was one squiffy Kiwi who tried to impress us by telling us he was a fighter pilot...... Unfortunately for him, our bus driver had already told us that New Zealand doesn't even have an Air Force, so that one was never going to work! Apart from the first place we went to, everywhere was absolutely empty, so we gave up and were home and tucked up in bed by about half 11!!
We've spent the morning doing washing - so time consuming now we actually have to do it ourselves! Gone are the days of Buenos Aires where we just handed it in and got it back clean, dry and folded for 80p a load! On the plus side, after 2 cold and cloudy days the sun has come out so we have high hopes for the afternoon! It also looks like its going to last for a few days - we're booked to go whale watching on Monday and swimming with dolphins on Tuesday so fingers crossed it will hold out til then! So excited!!
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