After 20hrs travelling we were rewarded with a breath taking drive over deserted beaches and gigantic dunes to arrive at the paradisical oasis of Jericocoara. This place is a true haven for kite and wind surfers, food fish lovers, caiprihina guzzlers, sun worshippers and lazy bums - PERFECT!
The streets are made of sand, lined with poussadas (guest houses), restuarants, bars, palm trees, guys selling strong cocktails from makeshift portable, wheelbarrow style bars and a few hippy families selling their jewellery are thrown in for good measure.
Beach buggies, horses or 4x4s are the only way to get arround and one day we took the local bus (a 4x4) to a lake on the middle of nowhere. It was great fun rollercoasting the dunes with nothing to see except a few donkey, palm trees and miles and miles of sand dunes. Then out of nowhere a huge lake appears like a mirage in a desert. Beautiful! We spent the rest of the day lying in hammocks tied between palmtrees in the waters edge.
After 5days and 6 nights of soaking up the sun and cocktails and chatting with the locals, we managed to drag ourselves away in search of another beautiful place.
We took a night bus out of Jeri and met the Israeli's, yey!
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