Had a fantastic day in Magnetic Island yesterday. Even went swimming although water was full of sand trees Nd other assorted flotsam from the rain storms. Beautiful place. Took the car and did the Fort walk. Took us 2 1/2 hours instead of the sugested 1. It was 4 km almost vertical. Great lookout. Got an early start for Atherton. Ended up stuck in traffic for 1 hour as 2 truck hit head on on a bridge. Finally here. Beautiful scenery all green and lush. Very warm. Managed to get organised quickly today. Seems the longer we are on the road the easier it gets. Also no rain makes it easier. Have found lots of Bustards up here, yes u not a". When I first saw them I thought they were small emu crossed with something but found it is a real thing. They also have this hissing growl they make. I threw them some bread and they grolwed at me. I guess they wanted something better. Cough has returned. We are both sick of it. I think Mr B eyes the cushion every night. Smother me, in his thoughts.
The washing calls.
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