Wow Wow Wow .... Aftre an exhausting trio of flights - jo'berg, Nairobi then down to Kilimanjaro Shedrack picked me up from the airport and took me to where my home will be for the next few days - definitely back to "real africa" and im living totally locally - its great but will take a few days to adjust!!!! Back to trying not to pee on myself on the squat toilets and not really being sure what im eating but so far so good and Shady and his friends are looking after me so its all good :
) ..... just come into tyown - 40 mins in a crammed Daladala (minibus) and of course absolutely ereyone is staring at me the only mzungu in sight!!! So just doing a few jobs - updating this, supermarket for a few essentials (loo paper and chocolate) then we will be heading back to the village (an area called USA river) and ium going to meet all the freineds and family this afternoon - including Shady's Mum ha ha ha ..... no marriage propsal yet just in case you were wondering ;) .... Plan is to be here for a few days then head down to zanzibar for xmas - will be in touch as and when i can - wish me luck!!!!
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