Well I did it!! Had a bit of a wobble at the airport, and spent most of the flight (which was by total luck a pleasure as I slept across 4 empty seats), wondering really why I was doing this!! All seems like fun in the planning stages but the teary goodbye at the airport and the realisation that whilst I've joked about my arrival in "Nairobbery" that I was actually quite scared about not making it out of the airport in one piece was a bit daunting!!
My first lesson however is probably that its only really me that makes me scared and that rumours breed fear!!! Oh and guidebooks that tell you that crime is rife and that you are a target ... Anyway so I got off the plane with money shoved down my pants, in my socks, some in one bag the rest in another etc etc and went through the arrivals hall trying to look super confident :) Saw my name on a placard (i'd pre booked a transfer) and was greeted by a smiling, single toothed man not much bigger than my rucksack. I asked him for the original confirmation slip from the hotel which I was told he HAD to have as a safety precaution. He didnt have it. But he had one for another passenger he'd waited for at 3am who hadnt arrived and explained he's been waiting all night. It all seemed suspicious but I realised that I didnt have much other option and I went with it. We walked to the carpark where 3 men where hanging round his car (his car with blacked out windows) - sufffice to say I was sweating quite alot and convinced by now that I was doomed for robbery .... however we got in without attack LOL .... after a very hair raising journey (traffic rules seem to be that you just go where there is a space - I kinda expected that but was taken aback by the bus that mounted the pavement to get round the traffic. My driver also decided to take the 'backroads' off the highway to avoid the traffic ... So whilst im chanting in my head that if he is going to kill me then he probably wouldnt explain that he was taking the backroads I started to relax ... and started to switch things round in my head and realised for example the black out windows are probably for MY protection so noone car jacks us in traffic!!!
Suffice to say im here - safe and well - a bit culture shocked but giving myself a day to acclimatise before i venture out of the hotel grounds tomorrow. Quite a day so far - already mozzie bitten, just sampled some local food, and now goin to get some info of where to go tomorrow!
With relief I will say goodbye till tomorrow!!
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