First off Happy April Fools!!
After a GREAT breakfast we got in the car and took a ride to a cooking class. When we got to the cooking class there was no one there. It turn out that the reservation never got made so we went back to the hotel and went in the pool. They sure April fooled us into getting up early and rushing out the door for nothing! My parents all of the sudden decided to take a class that teaches you how to give someone a massage. While they were there my sisters and I went to the kids club. While we were in the kid's cub we painted clay fingers. It was fun but boring at the same time. It was fun because we got to paint but it was boring because you were just painting. Once we were done spending 30 minutes (which felt like an hour) in the kids club our parents came back and we went to the pool and had lunch.
After eating lunch we went to a temple. The temple was called Wat Phra Doi Suthep. There were real monks working at the temple. They were praying and receiving gifts. Talking about receiving gifts we gave the monk a gift. I have no idea what was inside of the basket that my sisters and I gave to the monk and also the one my parents gave to the monk. First of all, when we got in the line to give the monk his present I was soooo scared that I would do something wrong. It was our turn to give the monk his gift. We went up and put the gift on a stool then the monk took it and out it to the side. My parents did the same thing then we got holy water all over us. The monk put a holy rope on us and said a prayer. After the monk did that to everyone in the family we went to go see them pray. All of the monks got in a line and started praying facing the Buddha. The monk kept on saying a bunch of different prayers then bowing down on the floor.
Thank you and please comment.
Captain-O Out!
- comments
Jupiter Jen I would love your Mom to practice her new massage techniques on me...we just hiked through Africa and Spain...our legs are really sore!
Aunt DeeAnn Maybe your Mom and Dad will give you all massages -- this could work out to your benefit O! We all miss you guys and are thrilled thqt you are having such an exciting trip.