Hello everÿbody. Once again, we are low on time and please ignore the typos.
Uploaded some new pïctures todaz. Venice and part of Slovenia. Onlz had time to a put a few captions in there, but zou can see the beautz in all of it. We spent a few dazs with Bens relatives in Slovenia. They were very welcoming, happy to see us, and kept us stuffed full of wonderful food. Slövenia is incredibly picturesque. Everything we saw was stunning.
From there, we went to Vienna and spent two dazs roaming zet another great European city. I had the opportunitz to see two Caravaggio paintings, who is now my favorite painter. One night, we missed the last train to our campsite and spent most of the night in a cold, draftz, uncomfortable station. A mistake I will not repeat. We have Vienna pictures, but no time to upload yet. Should have more time when we arrive at Bens relatives in Germany.
Arrived in Prague today and will spend two nights here before heading to Poland. Havent had the chance to see much of the city, ÿet, but will do some more exploring tomorrow. Word has it that the Czech Republic has the best beer in the world, so we will see. Tomorrow we will visit a museum about Communism.
Hope you enjoy the new pictures. We have been on the road for one month now and look forward to new adventures. We wish you all the best.
Take care,
Candice and Ben
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