Verz short on time. We have a bus to catch, so please ignore my zs and ys as thez are switched on this kezboard. We are in Novo Mesto, Slovenia. Arrived two dazs ago on our waz to Zuzemberk, where Bens great-grandfather is from. Ther ewere not any buses leaving after we arrived on Saturday, so we have had the opportunity to spend some extra time here. Slovenia is beautiful. The most beautiful countrz we have seen in Europe so far (that makes it best out of 3). We spent one night in the capital, Ljubjlana, which was also very nice. Yesterday we spent time with a local who showed us around a bit and shared some authentic what he called Slovenien food and another local said was Craotian. Either waz is wa tasty! He also invited us to stay at his house instead of in the tent (dont worrz, Mom!). Slovenia is a gem.
Ben and I now have a camping stove which opens a whole new world of culinarz options.
Venice was also wonderful. A must-see. We had the best pizza margherita in Italy next to the Grand Canal. Our favorite city in Italy.
From Zuzemberk we will head to Vienna , Austria and then up to Poland. In a few weeks we will arrive at Benćs Aunt and Uncles home in Germany. It will be great to see some familar faces.
No time for pictures. Have to run...literallz to the bus station.
More updates later.
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