I found myself in Bolivia which was never part of the original itinierary! We had heard from all the people we had met across South America how crazy the place was so i thought i may as well check it out whilst i waited for my ticket to New Zealand to be re-issued.
We got the bus up from Cordoba over the border to the south of Bolivia. The Argentinian buses are exceptionally good and you get full reclining chairs, three meals, wine, champagne, films etc. Well Bolivian buses are notoriously bad and going from one to the other once having crossed the border was very hard. Bolivian's for some reason take all there life possessions on there bus journeys which means there was aboslutely no room to move. You would see old men and women lying on the floor as there was no seats available, you felt like getting up and offering them yours but you could never have got down the wlak way for bags and people!
We stayed in the Loki hostel which had been recommended to us. La Paz itself is an ok city, certainly nothing special. But its nightlife makes up for what it lacks in other ways. Its a bit like Buenos Aires, a black hole that once your there, its very hard to leave.
Me and a friend rode a bike down the worlds most dangerous road. It is a bicycle tour that is organised through an agency. They pick you up and take you to the top of a mountain, around about 4,000 ft high. Then you ride to the bottom stopping taking pictures along the way. It took almost 6 hours to get from top to bottom. Many people have died along the road, some doing the tour which we were on. Its basically a very narrow road, on a cliff edge with no barriers and traffic coming head on. Our guide kept stopping at points showing us remainders of trucks that have gone over the edge and flowers that have been left roadside for the deceased. Apparently a guy from New Zealand fell over the edge on his bike and died 2 days after we were there!
I went ot Lake Titi Caca for a couple of days for a change of scenery. I met up with a girl that i had met in La Paz and spent the weekend with her and her family. The family didn't speak a word of English so most of our conversations were through sign language. There was a festival on whilst we were there so the idea of a relaxing detox sounded good but didn't end up happening. Was really cool parting with a Bolivian family and felt quite sereal at times!
The rest of the time was spent partying and randomly bumping into the people we had met in Argentina. Then after around 2 weeks i was told from STA Travel that my ticket to New Zealand had been processed. I had 3 days to get back to Buenos Aires to get my flight!
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