Namaste guys
I'm in Mumbai at the minute. I had to get a 12hr train from Goa yesterday...which went pretty quick cos in my cmpartment were a couple from England travelling around the world. We had a laugh and good talkswhioch made it all that easier.
The last week in Goa me and Vic bought loads more cool things from the markets and visited a Spice plantation where you can 'wash' and ride and elephant. We went oa rib crushing banana boat as well, which was a good laugh, Goa at the min is increasing it's secuirty clsoin down shacks at nigth, putting up police blocks on roads etc...I heard off that English couple who I was traveeling with that apparently there had been terroists known to be in the area when we were there. They had heard the beach shack people talking and were told they weren't allowed to tell the tourists for obvious reasons. They said it wasn't half as busy as other years..becasue so many epople have cancelled. The Russian mafia has moved in now as well and has brougfht additional probs to the area. I was releived that both of us got through our time there without incident and we really enjoyed our time chillin on the beach and swimming in the Arabian sea. The famous Anjuna market has been closed now as well as a result. The terrotist attacks here in Mumbai were aimed at foreigners, so Goa definalty has to be the biggest target next.
So here I am in Mumbai typin this 2minutes away from Lepolds cafe, which has now reopened. I had originally planned to go for a drink there before the attacks, but it just seems kinda sick and morbid having a drink there when so many people were murdered there only a few weeks ago. The Taj hotel is still corderned off all round by police and the Gateway to India is partially covered with scaffolding, so I was kinda gutted not to be able to get the benefit of walking long the full Mumbai promenade. I'm gonna vsiit the Victorian bulit high court and univeristy of mumbai today and then catch my 4.40pm train to Delhi. Its gonna take 16hrs, I'm kinda used of these crazy long journeys now, so kinda looking forward to it.
To round off my trip in Inida I'm gonna visit the mighty and huge Red Fort tomorrow and head to Gandi museum to get out of the midday sun in Delhi. I've got the day to kill before I head to airport in the evening. My flight is not till 3.30am the next day, but wanna be there handy cos I knwo how bad Delhi traffic is...
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