happy birthday!!!! hope you've had a blast of a day so far. all the best from good ol' germany
happy birthday!
just seen the temple of doom rope bridge photo - you sad b*****d!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY PETE From Mum, David, Sabina and Paul and Baby Macy. Have a great day. Lots of love from us all. xxxx
Hi Pete and Vicky sounds like your havng a great time,Wow what a fabourlouse hotel you stayed in, gosh you got the luxury you well deserved,all this experiance you will cherise. Take Care and I will phone you on your birthday next Monday 8th December, first time you will be away on your birthday but will celerbrate when you come home on the 18th December. Lots Love Mum xxx
Hey guys
Clcik on link below for the hotel we stayed at, go to bottom right hand corner of amin picture and click on photos for all the pics of the resort!
We are both booked on fligths so it can't be changed that easily. Beside...the people behind the atatcks have threatend to attack an irport in India in the nest few days...so there is nopw way I would even consider it.
All is well...Its been like this since I got to India, used to it now.
Pete its not safe now I know your in Goa, And your so near to Mumba were terrorist have stomed the Ta Ca Mal hotel and took western hostages, Please think about coming home its not safe now. Take extra Care Mum xxx
Hi Pete Take it easy now,and enjoy relaxing in Goa, not long now to 18th December when we are all looking foreward to you coming home,First time youve been away for your birthday 8th December,but I know you will have a good time. take care Mum xxx
hi pete.
hope u are taking it easy now. you must have been terrified when u lost ur sight especially bein in a strange country
hope your holiday in goa has less drama ;)
Hey guys
Got all clear from doc and eye clinic.
They gave me pain killers cos I'd strained my eyes for days and gave myself some pretty horific headaches as a result! Just been eye clinic and got a full workover...he confirmed what I'd read..the drug caused me to lose my sight. I've got a small heammorage in my right eye but he said thats very common for people who go to high altitude. He said most people don't even knwo they have one most of the time. My eeyssightis exactly the same as when I had my last check so ain;t affected it at all. Woo hoo....
Spose its all part of the experience hahaha... (I can laugh now!)
PS Woeful performance by the blues yesterday against boro!
Hi Pete Glad your your ok, Yes is good to get checked at the clinic.3rd time lucky for you,and got over another scare. Take care lots love Mum xxx