Up at 5.45am... Bus...7.45am
Leaving Glasgow, on the way to Belfast.
After leaving the motorway, we took a very scenic route down the coast through tiny villages to the port.
Saw the ruins of Crossragriel Abbey.
This was built in the 1300s but destroyed by Henry 8th during the Reformation.
Amazing to see this just sitting by the side of the road in the middle of someone's paddock.
We stopped at Girean to feel the sea air and take in the view.... And walk on the pebbled beach.
It was beautiful.
Onto Loch Ryan Port.
It is raining very heavily and the wind is strong... And cold.
We were able to stay on the bus and be driven aboard.
Not like Greece or Italy where we had to line up for ages and drag our suitcases on board.
4 people to one elevator there... With cases.
Boarding took a very long time !
Here we just got off the bus and up the stairs into the lounge.
Very nice ship.
Just had fish and chips with mushy peas for lunch. Love mushy peas.
They tell us that it is a one to two metre swell.
Don't think it's any good for surfing, Daryl.
Haven't seen any so far.
Lots of white caps though.
Absolutely no engine noise and it seems a very smooth ride... You just sway from side to side as you walk.
We arrive in an hour and then we have a tour of Belfast with a local guide on the bus.
Lucky it's not a walking tour... It is very wet out there.
First wet day in all the time I've been here.
Pretty amazing, hey?
Then drive to Dublin, dinner out tonight.
Will add to this once I get back from dinner.
Just saw the Promenade Deck... So I promenaded.
Fun outside.... Waves look fascinating when they are as far as the eye can see. Not that big though.
- comments
Andrew B Hi Carolyn, From Scotland to Iireland..............I imagine they are very different, will have to pay close attention to your blog for the report. (hate there to be a test when you get back) Sounds like the weather has taken a turn for you, much like ours between a few great days. I love the British meal of fish & chips with mushy peas, so different to Europe.Its cold & windy here, just had thick pumpkin soup for lunch and not long till home time !!!! Keep having fun. Andrew Xx