The fact the three of us all rose by 4am this morning was an indication that the body clocks were still out of whack from the past 24hrs of travel.
On the plus side, it meant we reached Paddington Station this morning with plenty of time to spare for our 9:15am train to Bath - even better when we learned that the service had been cancelled and we suddenly had an extra hour on our hands to enjoy some people watching at one of London’s most busiest transit centres.
We still ended up in the historical town of Bath before lunch. Our hotel is smack bang in the town centre, so we had plenty of time to take in all the tourist spots this afternoon.
We kicked things off with the Roman Baths. Hard to fathom the walls we were walking within were built first century (75AD) and have stood the test of time - though between you and me, judging by the colour of the bath water, I’m guessing the pool boy went awol sometime that century as well.
We then checked out the other city sights before taking the foot off the pedal a little to enjoy a leisurely cruise down the Avon River.
I think we’ll sleep well tonight!
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