After our day yesterday, it should probably come as no surprise that we all slept in 'a little' today. We woke to grey skies and overcast conditions, but thankfully no rain.
We took a short stroll to Jackson Square, Washington Artillery Park and took in the sights along the famous Mississippi River.
We then tested the taste buds by sampling the local cuisine for lunch - and let's face it, it doesn't get any more 'local' in New Orleans than gator, catfish and shrimp. I must admit to being a tad apprehensive about the first two, but I had no reason to be. I'm looking forward to sampling more Cajun delights during the rest of our stay here - when in Rome right?
After lunch we took a trolley to the other end of town to visit the National WWII Museum. The first thing you see when you walk into one of the pavilions is a fully restored B17 Bomber hanging above your head - if you're not impressed (or even a little nervous) by that then you're pretty hard to please. We spent a few hours there, but if you were really into this kind of history, you could easily spend a whole day, if not more.
I'm currently finishing off this blog from the sanctuary of our suite's balcony, watching the craziness of Bourbon Street pass below. How crazy? I just witnessed some lass walking up and down the street with a whip and a large paddle that reads "whippings for a buck" - that's how crazy. Like the rest of this neighbourhood though, it's all in good fun.
Anyway gotta go now and see if I can change a twenty!
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