Craig & Jills Round the World Trip
All is well here in Lima, jill had her blood pressure checked to make sure she is still alive!!!
After spending the first two days sorting out our trip to Macchu Picchu and re-arranging some flights we got back into the swing of looking around. Miraflores the area we are staying in in Lima is the tourist area, so we are safe enough walking round and there are plenty of shops, cafes etc to keep us amused.I say safe that is as long as you avoid the crazy buses which are shooting up and down every road and can ignore the none stop beeping of the taxi drivers trying to attract your attention.
Right on the front overlooking the sea is a Peruvian state of the art shopping centre, basically a mini crystal peaks for those of you from sheffield. Not very Peruvian very western, although it has kept us amused as there is an arcade where I have re-taken my driving title back from the missus. You will also have to check out the photos of Jill letting off steam after wednesday lost 1-0 to united, ha ha ha!!!! You wouldnt want to have been stood in front of her then with those fists flying.
Its strange looking out sea and seeing people surfing, we certainly werent expecting to see that. What is even stranger are the people floating overhead, there are lots of people with parachutes floating above the cliffs like birds. Dont worry we havent tried it,well not yet anyway, I will be straight up there when we get back from Macchu Picchu. Its like a cross between hand gliding and parachuting, dont worry jill isnt having a go, she will be on photo duty to capture it all... as the wind dies and i plunge into the sea.....
Only joking it looks safe enough.
We had a day trip into the centre of Lima on Wednesday, we arrived just in time to see the changing of the guard at the government palace. All very jolly time with catchy music been played by the band, the guards in bright red and blue suits marching round gestapo style. After the "show" we were swamped by local school kids who were testing their english asking us questions into a tape recorder. Its a good job they didnt try and get us to test our spanish as we would have been rather shown up!! But i guess thats us brits for ya, who needs to learn a foreign language when everyone can speak a bit of english!!!
There are loads more old buildings with a spanish flavour and more impressive cathedrals and churches. One the San Fransico church and monastry had a rather creepy catacombe (burial chambers) area full of bones under the church itself. What was even more spooky was the way they had sorted all the bones in to piles, so all the same bones where together. They had even laid skulls and bones out in funny patterns in some areas. As we wandered round the streets I tried some local cusine, dont worry no guniea pigs were eaten, or atleast not that I was aware of. We are struggling to find any souveniers here, neither of us are that taken by multi coloured ponchos and woolly hats.
A bit of gossip for you, last night, (yes this is how we spend our friday nights all very exciting) we stood and waited outside the Marriot hotel to catch a glimpse of none other than Jennifer Lopez. She was with some guy called Marc Anthony who is supposedly the mosr popular singer in south america or maybe thats just peru. Ofcourse I had forgotten the camera so we dont have the proof, but you will just have to trust me on that one, especially if i tell you we didnt have the camera as we had only popped out to collect our washing!!
Well we are off to Macchu Picchu at 8am tomorrow, will be a bit of an early start for us. We get back on friday unless the altitude sickness is a problem and we overdose on cocaine or at least the cocoa leaves which they give you to help treat it ;) Should be an interesting few days either way.
If anyone has any spare money please send to RUFC, Millmoor, Rotherham so I have a team to come back to. Thanks
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