It was the last morning of our time in the amazing hotel on Ko Samui, and our last day together! We headed down to the restaurant for our final buffet breakfast, we wanted to make to most of it! After, we went back to the room and packed up our stuff ready to leave. Sarah's taxi was arriving before mine so I helped her down with her stuff. Sarah was continuing on for another 3 months of travelling with her next stop being Cambodia. For me, I had been so many places that I had wanted to go and would NEVER forget this trip of a lifetime but I was actually really excited to go home. I was going back a week before Christmas and had so much planned already for when I got home. As we were saying our goodbyes, I started to feel really sad and emotional. We had travelled together 24/7 for the last 3 months, something I've never done with anyone and will probably never do again. We had had our ups and downs in that time, mainly ups, but if I could go back in time, I wouldn't change a thing! We had experienced some amazing things together that we will reminisce over for years to come. I was really going to miss her! See you in 3 months Sar! Back to being on me todd I suppose. My taxi arrived at 11.30 am ready to take me to the ferry port. When I arrived, I had to wait an hour for the boat to be ready. In that time, I got talking to a girl called Liv from Boston in the US who was also on her travels. It was nice having someone to talk to who was also heading to Koh Tao and she was an awesome person, right up my street. The journey to Koh Tao was horrendous, the sea conditions got seriously rough, at some points from the bottom section of the boat, you couldn't see sky, just more sea and waves. There was people being sick, bags flying all over the place and people falling down stairs as I nearly did trying to get to the top section. Eventually, 3 hours later, we arrived in Koh Tao. I had never been so glad to see land. Neither myself or Liv had booked anywhere to stay so we decided to get some food in a cafe with wifi and try to find somewhere cheap last minute. We decided on a hostel called Jizos which worked out to be around £4 a night, couldn't go wrong with that we thought. En route to Jizos which took us ages to find, I bumped into Tommy, a guy we had met in Malaysia! It was awesome to see him, I couldn't believe it! He told me that Nico and Rachel were also on the island so we arranged to meet up for dinner that night. After booking into Jizos, which was an absolute dive, and dropped our stuff off, Liv and I wondered around Sairee Beach to see what was on offer. The beach was gorgeous, but a lot smaller than I had imagined. There were scuba diving schools everywhere we turned. Apparently it's one of the best places for learning to dive and get a Padi qualification in the world. Liv was hoping to complete her Padi course while on Koh Tao but unfortunately I couldn't as it was just over four days long and I was only on Koh a Tao for two days. As it so happened, one of the schools had the option of doing a single dive with an instructor called a Discover Dive. You wouldn't gain any sort of qualification but it just gave you the opportunity to see if you liked it. So I booked onto that for the next day, I was so excited! After searching through the schools that Liv was interested in, we headed to meet the gang from Malaysia in a restaurant called Su Chilli. I had possibly the worst meal of my entire travelling trip, some sort of tasteless curry of coconut milk, but it was awesome to see all the guys and catch up on what we had been up to! We went for a few drinks after the meal and then onto the famous Lotus Bar for more drinks and to watch the fire show. I also bumped into Sam and Stephen who we had met on Ko Phangan which was crazy! This is what I loved about travelling, you bump into so many people you have met previously at some point or any other because in a round about way, you're all heading in the same direction. Before heading back to the hostel, Liv and I went to light a Thai Lantern. It was something I had wanted to do at some point on my trip but I was running out of days so it was perfect timing. I wrote on it and wished for all the classic sopping stuff... eternal happiness, family, friends, love and success...not too much to ask for then! I was chuffed to bits I'd managed to do one. We watch it until it became a dot in the sky then wondered back to the hostel. A big day of Scuba diving tomorrow!
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