After a good nights sleep, we woke quite late and headed for breakfast. They had scrambled eggs as an option so I was over the moon. We had a very quick breakfast then waited at reception for the tour guide to arrive. We were doing the 7 Wonders of Kuala Lumpur. The first stop was a 200 year old Chinese temple called the Thean Hou Temple. We each asked the Chinese God a question and pulled out a Chinese horoscope stick and then opened that number box. Mine was number 59. I asked a question about my career as a midwife. It was so spooky as the horoscope kind of answered me. I've posted a picture of it in my Malaysia photo section. We then drove on to the National Palace. The king was in so they put the flag up, the same way they do in England. The next place we drove to was Little India, it wasn't classed as one of the 7 wonders as it was just a strip of Indian shops but it was just good to have a little look round. It looked exactly how I imagined India to look. After that we drove to the City Gallery and Selangor Pewter. This was a factory where they made the metal Pewter which consists of copper, tin and aluminium. It sounds boring but actually I really enjoyed learning about it all. Next on the agenda was the famous Batu caves. First we had lunch in one of the restaurants called Restaurant 10. This is where we had our first proper Malaysian meal. It consisted of rice, popadoms, chutneys, cucumber salad and other things that I'm not to sure about. I didn't really eat much of it to be honest. After, we headed to the cave entrance. To get to this 400 million year old cave you had to climb 272 steps crawling with monkeys. They warned us on the way up not to carry anything in our hands as they will snatch it off you. Obviously someone didn't listen and sure enough one of the monkeys attacked her for a coconut she was carrying. I have to say we were all really disappointed with the cave, it was the one we were all most looking forward to but was full of tourist things that had just been left to rot. I definitely wouldn't recommend going there. The last three stops were very quick as there wasn't much to see and a lot of people were falling asleep on the bus, including me. I was starting to feel really unwell again. We stopped off at the National Monument, the National Mosque and finally the Independence Square. I don't really remember much about them. We were all shattered once we got back to the hostel. They had a free showing on at the cinema of a horror film called 'The Conjuring' so we all watched that with Jason before getting ready to go out for Halloween. Jason had bought some vodka and mixed it with a bottle of 7 up so we started drinking that whilst watching the film. The film was so good and really jumpy! It got us all in the mood for Halloween. We headed back to the room to get ready for the hostel Halloween party on the rooftop bar. I FaceTimed Bridget whilst getting ready, it was amazing to talk to her as we've been trying to get a good time for us both for ages. It was really good to catch up on what's going on in both of our lives. After getting ready we started predrinking. Then we headed up to the rooftop bar where everyone from the hostel was dressed up in Halloween costumes. It was such a funny night. We stayed there until the end. I then FaceTimed Dan from home, he was out for a meal with the boys but still took time to speak to me which was nice. He knew I'd be drunk! Masa, Jason and I were hungry so we went to a 24 hour McDonald's at 4 am and literally chowed down on a feast. Such an amazing Halloween!
- comments
Mummy Wow, sounds like you are certainly packing a lot I to each day !