Two great days spent in Seward. Hiked to Exit glacier and spent enjoyable time learning about the glaciers and their behavior. Lots of them around here. Evening spent on the wharf- wow can they haul in the big ones. Huge 210lb halibut, monster ling cod (my they are ugly!!) but I guess very good eating- lots of salmon and rock fish. Very expensive to go out on a guided tour and the expense goes straight up once you catch something and have to get it processed and shipped home. We figured it was more fun to watch all the excitement then go to the store and buy the fish. We took a 9hr boat tour of the fjords and wow was it ever money well spent. Beautiful sunny day and a wonderful sightseeing trip. The fishing made me lonesome for Wes and the tour made me miss Corey as they would have so much enjoyed being there. The marine life is so much fun to watch- sea otters at play, seals, sea lions barking and of course both orca and humpback whales. I fell in love with the puffins- they are so colorful, Alaska's parrots. Starting to get homesick- haven't been away this long before and miss my kids and grandbabies. Bruce is still working at catching some salmon, but hasn't had a lot of luck yet. The river is very high due to some glacial disturbance so the locals tell us to wait a few days for the water to subside a bit. Going to try a few days of R&R and then do some more sightseeing down Homer way.
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