We made it to Disneyland (well DisneyWorld)!!
As we were only a short distance from Orlando (about 440km) we decided we could do DisneyWorld in a day trip from Miami, this meant catching a bus for 5 hours to DisneyWorld, spending a few hours there and catching a bus back. Well we did it!!
I must admit that we did feel like big kids strolling through the Park but isn't that what Disney is about. When we first arrived we thought we wouldn't have enough time to see and do everything yet I think we managed to see it well. I guess the highlights were seeing all the characters doing a play on the step of Cinderella Castle, and watching Mickey and Donald in 3D at their very own movie theatre. Ride wise, Splash Mtn (a Brear Rabbit ride) and Space Mtn were probably the best roller coaster rides, taking a splash down into Brear Rabbits prickle bush and spinning in space on a roller coaster ride through the stars.
But just spending the day as a big kid without any worries was the best and isn't that was it is all about ... making wishes come true!!
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