Brodie's Travels
After that, we drove through Beverly Hills and checked out all these amazing houses which I guess are basically all owned by celelbrities. We saw a whole bunch of those tour buses which show people whos house is whos, so we followed them around for a bit. We couldn't really figure out who lived anywhere, but it was pretty cool to be in such a ritzy neighbourhood. After that we drove a bit further down Sunset Blvd (i think), and got a coffee. When we got there, I needed to use the toilet, but as I was trying to get in, someone was trying to get out, so we struggled with the door for a little bit. Finally, a petite little blonde with the most rock hard boobs walked out. When I came out, Pat and Chris were sitting in the corner busy gauking at this girl who was obviously pretty hot, and when I walk over, Pat tells me that she's one of these Playmate triplets. Nice!!!!!! She sure had the body for it, and being in the area, it sounded right. I had been holding out to see a celebrity the whole time here, and now I had finally seen one. However, when we check out what these triplets looked like later, she wasn't one of them. Damn. I sure she was famous though, but just not someone we knew. So moving on. Yesterday we went to Six Flags. For those of you who don't know, its an amusement park that has the most insane roller coasters in the world. Check out to see what I mean. The first ride we went on, you go up backwards, and once you go over the first big hill on your way down, your seats spin you around, so one minute you're facing up, then down, then upside down, and its awsome. We also did one called Superman where you got shot to 240kmph in a matter of seconds along these tracks, and then that all of a sudden goes straight up vertically where you ahng for a second. It's pretty insane. There was one ride I couldn't do because I was too tall. I was kinda bummed that I couldn't do it, but I'd rather have my head and feet attached to my body.So the day started with us thinking that we were going to fly over to Catalina, but we couldn't get a plane organised, so we headed over to Santa Monica instead. First off we cruised down the main street which I think was called the Promenade, and there were heaps of really good buskers out playing. There was one particular attractive acoustic wielding girl who only had to look at you to make you want to buy her CD. She almost got Pat, but I talk some sense into him. She was only playing covers........come on.
From there we headed down the the Pier where they have some little carnival rides, street performers, and some food places. We also walked along the beach for a bit, and being a Sunday, there were quite a few people out and about.
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