Brodie's latest entry
Redwoods, Trinidad, California
After seeing Warren in Lexington, I flew my way this time, over to Seattle to meet Maricelle. Our plan was to hang out for a week while making our way down the coast to eventually arrive in San Francisco where I would then fly out to England from. I got to meet Maricelle's parents who were really nice. It was her dads birthday, so we had a …
stephen sherring wats up weird al yankovich/jesus
re: 70's Brodiecurleyrock stunning
re: photo from 09 July 2007curleyrock this is the coolest picture evar
re: photo from 09 July 2007a concerned individual whoa there!
re: photo from 03 July 2007md I have always wanted to do THAT!
re: Flight over Long Beach Californiastephen thats awesome, howd u get to do that?
re: Flight over Long Beach Californiacurley rock holy crap; those are human shin bones
re: AAAHHH!!!!