Was anyone interested in football? But yes all the talk is about the rugby and the girls and I have decided that it's worth watching the match against South Africa on Saturday and thier team look quite fit, especially the kicker who gives Johnnie Wilkinson a run for his money and he also scores at most of his attempts. You enjoy all the pampering you need it. Its better than what all the other middle class people do, they just drink. Wonder if that was in the Observer?
I told him about that re-mortgaging thing ages ago. No tax whatsoever.You missed a fantastic game of rugby on Saturday, no-one's interested in the football now.
Hanso Kung-Pow (Porter)
I work hotel as porter, lady give me big money tip (642 THB). That one year salary. I rich now. Think me look for her when she leave. Get another big tip and buy a new house.
Dear Mr Kung-Pow
Bri says please can we have a VAT receipt?
I thought the pictures would be all exotic places and people - instead I get the Billy and Piers show plus some rellies! Very nice but wheres the local action?
honestly.. of all the photos - your site will now be terrorised
am i the first? is it hot in Ewell. What are the locals like. Can you bring me back some drugs?
You are the first, hurrah, well done you Professor Smartarse. The locals are sort of strange. ahem. I got you some Benylin and a tube of cough drops, will that do? G x