Day 5 Kaikoura, New Zealand
We made the two hour-ish journey from Christchurch to Kaikoura via rental car. This small coastal town is more touristy than Christchurch, by the prices anyway. The weather was a little chilly, but we're on the coast so it's expected. We spent the rest of the day downtown looking at the shops, having fish 'n chips at a bar for lunch.After doing the downtown gig we drove up the peninsula and saw that a sheep farm was doing a live shaving demonstration in like 5 minutes. It was really cool as the farmer explained the history of the New Zealand sheep business. There used to be 80 million sheep in New Zealand and now there's a little over 30 million - mostly due to that sheep farmers stopped making any money and the price of the New Zealand dollar not being worth as much. Most of the sheep farmers have switched to deer and dairy farming now. The farm that we were at is a hobby farm which is just used for showing and shaving competitions. At one time the farmer's father-in-law owned over 300 acres - covering the entire peninsula that we were on. They sold all but 100 acres due to sheep farming going down the hole. I got to the feed a male sheep and watch a sheep get his wool cut for the first time. After the farm we headed up the peninsula and found a car park that overlooked the ocean. We got out in the chilly weather and took some pictures. Soon we noticed that there were seals sleeping on some of the rocks on the beach. People could get pretty close to them and take pictures without the seals freaking out. There were three that just laid there sleeping, being lazy.Apparently the area is known as seal colony area. As we were leaving one got up and hobbled to the water and took off for a swim. Pretty cool.
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