Day 1 Greymouth, New Zealand
Yesterday went as follows: OLATS tute at 9am. Took the Bendigo Route 11 bus to the Bendigo train station, took the train to Melbourne, took the Melbourne Sky Bus to the Melbourne airport, and then the plane from Melbourne to Christchurch. Got picked up by the mum and the auntie. And finally to the hotel room which overlooks Christchurch's town square. Neato. So much traveling, so tired.
Today we traveled three hours across the country to Greymouth. Tomorrow we're going on a rafting tubing adventure…I'm not exactly sure what's going to happen. The three hour travel was very scenic. Things weren't as pristine green as I thought, but it was still owesome. Hills and large rocks everywhere. We drove through the mountains which is always fun, getting super close to the rock cliffs, ears popping. Every time we turned the corner I wanted to stop and take a picture, every turn was a piece of scenery I wanted to capture and safe. We stopped at this little café in Arthur's Village (maybe) where we had beer-battered fish for lunch. It was delicious, annndddd overpriced. I forget that everything's going to be expensive when you're on holiday. I forgot I was on holiday actually. Trying to get into that mindset. Cave rafting tomorrow.
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