Wow, I'm tired!
Scott and I have walked up and down Rome so many times now that I think I'm beginning to get a hang of this huge city. Since we arrived three days ago, we have seen the Spanish Steps, the Roman Forum, the Colloseum, the Palastine Hill and Museum, Trevi Fountain, and the Palazzo Altemps. The most fun, however, has been the little things, like dodging the intense traffic, napping in a piazza, picking a flavor of gelato, or deciding which direction to wander in next.
I have also been a little stressed about all the errands involved in starting up this hug trip. We left Boston in such a hurry, that we forgot to take copies of our passports and other IDs, so we had to do that ASAP when we arrived, which put a damper on our first day. This also meant that we had the vague worry of 'did we forget anything else? Did all of our belongings find their way to my parents' basement?'
But all of that is behind us now. I am still getting my bearings, but I'm slowly learning how to live relaxed, with no worries except how to make our small savings last 6 1/2 months. I have my passport, my glasses, and my love. I am ready.
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