All went to breakfast at 8 and met up iwth our tour guide again, after we ate we all headed with him to see some stuff. Our first stop was a goat farm and we saw some goats that were 4 days old with there mum, it was so adorable and they were really tiny! Our tour guide showed us there medicine garden where they grow all these herbs and make potions for all different types of illness' from stones in your kidneys to coughs! the smells were really nice as all of them had a disinct aroma.
We then walked on to the village, and met the oldest lady in the village who was 91! she made us a coffee, which was delicious and reminded me of home at Nana Ilia's! We had a good old chat to her but then moved on to go see the hydroelectric plant that we had to walk on this beam next to a river! was scary because on one side was a drop and on the other was a rapid river!
The hydro electricity was nice to see and then we had a really hard up hill walk to do that took us agers. we were actually walking up hill on the rice fields! Once we were pack at the camp, we all had quick showers and met up for lunch. whilst we were there, a school were staying there too. so just as we had finished our lunch one of the teachers asked if some of their students could practice english on us! it was actually amazing becasue even though they hadnt had a long time to practise, there english was really good!
MORE PHOTOS, with all of the people which was pretty funny actually and cute! After the quick photo sesh, we went downstairs to a lab place kinda thing, our tour leader was there with loads of different leaves and flowers that he had picked from the herbal garden! he told us some really interesting facts about the stuff he picked and then used them all to make a drink that would help with blood circulation. It only too about 10 mins for him to boil all the ingredients up and the room smelt like chewing gum as he had added peppermint! Once completed, we all got the opputunity to try it. The potion tasted almost like strawberry with toothpaste in. It was actually really nice!
After a very quick goodbye, we were on our way to Bromo!
Whilst going up the mountain, as it erupted a few weeks ago, the ash was still there. it got that thick that we were all considering turning around. However we carried on to our hotel and once we were there it was lovely. Everything was covered in ash but it was still an amazing site to look at.
We all met up for dinner in the hotel and because its a remote village, we kept getting black outs and so we ate by candle light which was really cool and felt like i was living in the victorian times!
All of us went to bed fairly early as we were up at 330 to clime Mt. Bromo!
Love to all Bluebell xxxx
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