Waking up to the parrot AGAIN! We had all missed breakfast so instead of getting something lovely and healthy, we all oppted to get a mcdonalds! like you do! so we all went there and to my amusement we got 1000 cent back which is like getting 5 pounds in a coin or probably less!
Forgetting the time and the fact that will could come home today we quickly ate and went to meet will who had been waiting for us for about an hour! oops. We finally got will home where we all chilled by the pool and played uno...again.
Even though will had a broken collar bone, for some reason it was ok for us all to go back to the sky garden in which we were all far too tired from the night before. will couldnt drink because of the paracetamols he was on but he could look after us all! i defo wasnt having a good time as i still hadnt recovered from the night before so i called it a night after about two drinks! but i still stayed out so i could laugh at matt and drunk joel!
Will and Matt went upstairs and once again we all got lost so me and joel just went home and to bed, in joels words he said i looked like "sh*t" haha which i agreed because i was so tired. the next morning i woke up to Matt saying he had made a mistake. i was thinks oh my god what the hell has he done!!
To my amusement he told me that on his way home, he had walked past the parrots cage and opened it to let it free. And that morning was the only morning that i didnt get woken up by it! when we went to look in the cage on the way to joel and wills we actually couldnt find it! joel was so happy to hear this news as he really hated that bird.
We thought it would be a good idea to see the beach, and again we got annoyed by the people, but matt was trying to get his guy selling henna to buy him an ice cream which was hilarious at the time! Then we all arrived back to the hotel and went to the airport together. The others were flying to darwin where as me and matt were flying to sydney! Our queue was huge for some reason we were defo stood there for over an hour, we later found out it was due to a system failure. We then met the boys in the food court and found out our flight was badly delayed! We then hugged the lads off and went to our gate! After another two hours waiting we got into the boarding lounge where we waited even longer.
FINALLY we got on the plane, to find out we had to land in Darwin first then go to sydney. It was becoming a joke and me and matt had missed our connecting flights to christchurch and melbourne! Once at sydney, i had had enough and got transferred to the Canberra flight because i really wanted to see my family!
I said a goodbye to Matt who was going to Christchurch and off i went to the other terminal, once there i was so bored and my fight was delayed, but on the plane it was only 25 mins so as soon as we took off, we were landing. crazy!
Once in Canberra, i had been trying to ring Simon and Jodie, and they were either engaged or it was continuously ringing! i got a taxi from the airport which took me to Simons house! Simon was literally just walking in from work! and had just got out of the taxi! he actually didnt recognise me for a second but then he was like, 'BLUEY'
Typical aussie, the first thing he did was get me a glass of wine, which im not complainin about! jodie, Bella and Max were out but due home soon. Me and Simon had a great catch up and when the kids came home, i opened the door, no-one knew who i was except Jodie after a split second!
Once Bella knew who i was she had been calling me 'Blueberry' :) shes so cute! We all chatted a bit and then i help put the kids to sleep and then shortly after i went to bed too
Love to all Bluebell xxxxxxx
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