Yesterday i decided that i should probably explore sone museums, so went to the South African Museum and the District 6 Museum. I think that that is my quota for the month now filled. Found an amazing bakery which was really brightly decorated and had the best looking cupcake i have ever seen, which said 'Bite Me' on it. Went back to the hotel and met an American guy whose uni is paying for him to travel for 18 months, no limits! we got the metro train to Simon's town and went to see the penguins, although it was very windy! I thuoght penguins only lived in cold places but apparently not! There was a crazy lady with a very well thought out story of why she needed money on the train so we got off and waited for the next one at sunny cove, which didnt even have a train station?!? When we got back there was an opening party at the new little shopping centre next door so we went along for the free wine and free sushi, and then went to an Ethiopian restraunt for dinner. The restauraunt confused me a bit when they cleaned our hands for us and we ate with this bread stuff that looked like a bandage but it was good to try something new! Today i finally made it up Table mountain. i went with an english couple from derby called kirsty and Ian, and it wasnt too bad! we went up the easiest route to platteklip gorge, and it only took about an hour and a half. went on the hottest day and my water started evaporating out the bottle half way up! got some good views as not too much cloud but got the cableway back down. At the laundrette at the moment. Getting the bus to Joburg tomorow so my last evening in Suoth Africa! wish i could stay here a bit longer i love it here.
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