Havent done very much to note today. Got up late, havent slept well but with an awful stiff neck, seem to have a bit of a pepetual stiff neck since boxing day and the hard and uncomfortable beds and pillows arent helping! But we went for some brunch, omlette again, and just as nice second time round! Walked up the road to collect Claires dress, it is lovely and hand made and fitted for $20, mad.
Then we came back and Claire got some stuff together to send back so she has more room in her rucksack. We went to the post office and many many forms later it was packed up (very securely by the post office staff) and on its way. She was going to choose seamail, but appartently it can take 3/4 months to get there, whereas airmail gets there in just a few weeks. It was a total of $68 but it will safe her back and faffing! It was quite a good experience to watch how it all works and people coming and going, i enjoyed it. Spent a little more time in town having a look down streets we havent been down, but they are mostly the same everywhere. Bought a little bracelet for the trip.
There have been quite a few power cuts this afternoon/evening and we were just heading out for food and the whole street was in darkness, would have been ok back home, but the state of the pavements here doesnt bode well when walking in the dark!! So we decided to eat in the hotel restaurant as we suspect they have a back up generator. I had chicken with stirfried noodles and Claire had the same with seafood, was nice and filled a hole!
Just sending this and then to the room to pack and bed. Busy day tomorrow, catching the bus etc. We have to be off for before 10 to get something to eat, walk to the station and be there 2 hours before the bus leaves at 1.30, we dont know how long it will take, but we also have to find our own way to the hotel when we do arrive, so should be fun!
Hopefully ill have internet there so i can let you know how it goes! Bye for now X
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