Must say it feels like we've stepped out of the pages of a fairy story in this beautiful place, the name means crooked meadow apparently, and I suppose that's pretty apt when you see a map of the area. After Prague it's the most visited place in the Czech Republic, but not a place we've ever heard of and certainly heard very few English speaking people amongst the hoards of tourists in town. We had a guide this morning who gave us a huge insight into the changes to the area after the fall of the communist regime, life is so much better now for everyone and economically the country is improving in leaps & bounds. It's only been 25 years and it's now getting back to its former glory. The guide said the communist government had no interest in maintaining the historic sites but luckily never built any of their ugly housing apartments amongst them. Yesterday we drove down from Prague and has a tour of the Pilsen brewery on the way which was pretty interesting for the guys & must say it is a huge operation. Well it's almost happy hour so will be off to socialise, Mot has a few Pilsen beers to polish off xxxxx
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