Prague to Moscow & beyond
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Cromwell winter

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Cromwell, New Zealand

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Central Otago District, New Zealand

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Moscow, Russia

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St Petersburg, Moscow, Russia
Carey Delighted to see you've got your blogger on! Keen to see some more photos xoxo
re: Cromwell SojournPatsy Another awesome chapter for those at home. You write so well Bev. Selfishly I can't wait for you to get home. Safe travels and all my love dear friends, Patsy
re: St Petersburg, Moscow, RussiaCarey Love your blog entries and also looking forward to you coming home! xx
re: Baltic Countries, EstoniaJoy Love reading your blog and looking at great photos. So sad to see Auschwitz and have read Schindlers List so hope that version is the true one.
re: Kracow Gdansk Warsaw, PolandCraig Still very jealous. Happy fathers day to Dad. AB's beat Argentina last night. Reasonably easy victory 28-9. xx
re: Kracow Gdansk Warsaw, PolandCarey Good that we can always rely on Norma to keep us entertained! Lucky she's such a good sport. Love to you all xx
re: Budapest, HungaryCarey I agree Jane and Shirley - Mum this a great journal of your trip! xx
re: Kracow Gdansk Warsaw, PolandJane Fletcher Very interesting. Makes us want to go there. You will love reading your blog in months to come. Xx
re: Kracow Gdansk Warsaw, PolandCarey I think I'll sign the girls up to learn German!! Sounds like more of amazing, we'll look forward to the Budapest report xx
re: Vienna, AustriaJan Hello. Shame about the rain. Mulled wine sounded great idea. Give my regards to Julie Andrews and Christopher Plummer in Austria. Enjoying your blogs and keep thinking I must look at the map. Can't at moment as it's 4.30 am!
re: High Tatras, SlovakiaJane Fletcher So good yo be able to follow your trip. Walked around with girls today at narrows caddied for briar. Ngahinepouri won wills cup and pirongia the jug. Glorious day and girls did well. Poor old briar had to give 12 shots but played well with 2 birdies. Still couldn't beat her opponent. Xx
re: Adrspach, Czech Republic- last visited

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Carey Delighted to see you've got your blogger on! Keen to see some more photos xoxo